Mary Lougheed

Mary Lougheed joined the University of Victoria School of Nursing in 1999. She served as a Sessional Instructor for two years, then became Senior Instructor and Assistant Teaching Professor. Mary has a Diploma in Nursing from the Edmonton General Hospital College Saint- Jean School of Nursing (1971), a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Alberta (1988), and a Master of Nursing Policy and Practice from the University of Victoria (2001).
Her nursing practice was clinically focused, with a broad range of direct-care experiences in rural and urban hospitals. As a nurse educator she taught in diverse curricula (e.g. Post-Diploma RN, Graduate Nurse Re-Entry, Licensed Practical Nurse, and Care Aide programs) in varied classroom situations and clinical and community placements. At UVic she taught in the Undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, in the UVic and partners programs, and in the Post Diploma BSN program.
Mary expressed appreciation for “the diversity of her practice opportunities, and the people and organizations she met over time, which greatly informed her assumptions, beliefs, and values, e.g. with respect to health and healing, teaching/learning, and nursing ethics.”
In Mary’s words, “Partnering with undergraduate students and nurse educators spurred my on-going interests and explorations as to how nursing education delivery models can shape nursing practice.” She also stated, “Practicing and learning with many educators, students, and nurses at points of care has been a privilege, e.g. in developing initiatives and evaluating them, such as the Employed Undergraduate Student Nurse positions, and the Collaborative Learning Units model of practice education for nursing. Supporting an effective Offsite Practicum placement program (BSN) and also having opportunities to build my scholarship in Distance Education (Post-Diploma BSN) have been other foci as I continued to build my knowledge of nursing and nursing education.”