2nd annual Health Hackathon

The Centre for Biomedical Research and BC Regenerative Medicine Network are hosting the 2nd annual Health Hackathon. We are currently collecting challenges to be addressed during this event and I'm happy to invite those interested to submit challenges or register to participate in this exciting event.
Challenges can relate to any aspect of medicine and health research. Challenges can be submitted through the online form available through the B.C. Regenerative Medicine website (https://bcregmed.ca/symposium/2019-hackathon/). These challenges will be addressed by students teams with a variety of backgrounds including engineering (biomedical, electrical, mechanical, and software), science, nursing and business. See below for the event time line. The challenges should be approximately 750 words in length.
Event Format: Hackers, mentors, and judges will be recruited over the summer to participate in our event. September 6th is our kick-off event to be held at both UVic and UBC where we will present the challenges to the hackers and enable them to create teams. The teams will have until the hacking weekend to think about their approach to challenges. During this period, we will have a team of mentors (available by email) who will answer questions about the challenges during that time. The hackathon itself will take place at Fort Tectoria in Victoria and in Vancouver (location TBD), October 4th-6th, with the solutions being judged on the Sunday and an awards ceremony to follow.
2018 Hackathon challenges:
Challenge #1 Novel sieving device for separating microspheres
Challenge #2 Non-agitating device for patients living with dementia
Challenge #3 Developing terminal devices for prostheses
Challenge #4 Forensic Nurse Examination Program
Challenge #5 Real-time Fall Prediction & Prevention in Hospitalized Patients
More details on last year’s event can be found on the CBR website : https://www.uvic.ca/research/centres/biomedical/events-outreach/hackathon/index.php
We will be collecting challenges until August 12th. Please pass this along to anyone who may be interested in contributing a challenge.