Playing music at public events

Campus events

Our department is hosting a student performance, fundraising or entertainment event. Do we need to get permission to play music at the event?

Music played on campus to a public audience does not usually fall under educational exemption. We do not have any campus-wide licenses to cover these uses. It is your responsibility under the University Policy on Booking of University Space (BP3440) to ensure that you have a license or permission from the copyright owner to play or perform copyrighted music in a public venue.

For live or pre-recorded music (including background music), check with the venue booking manager to see whether they have an existing license that covers your use. To apply for a license, please contact:

Entandem - A RE:SOUND and SOCAN company

Please contact Media Librarian  for assistance.

Should you have any questions please contact the Copyright Office.

The Copyright Office makes every effort to provide accurate information but does not offer it as counsel or legal advice.