Michael Williams (MWB)

The Michael Williams Building (MWB) contains the offices of the university's executive team:
- President
- Vice-President Academic and Provost
- Vice-President Finance and Operations
- Vice-President External Relations
- Vice-President Research
- University Secretary
MSB also contains other administrative offices:
- Research Services
- Accounting Services
- Pension Services
- Institutional Planning & Analysis
- Campus Planning and Sustainability
Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification™ report for MWB.
Michael Williams was a publican, visionary and Victorian who worked to preserve Victoria’s heritage buildings.
In 1990, the University of Victoria (UVic) granted Williams an honorary degree in recognition of his leadership in preserving and renewing Victoria’s Old Town district.
MWB was designed by CEI Neilson Architecture Planning Interiors and completed in October 2008. The building is registered with the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating Standards program.
This building was formerly known as the Administrative Services Building.