Fraser (FRA)

The Fraser Building (FRA) contains the Faculty of Law and the Diana M. Priestly Law Library.
It also contains a number of classrooms, seminar rooms and a moot court.
Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification™ report for FRA.
The Fraser building was named in honour of Murray and Anne Fraser.
Murray Fraser (1937-1997) was the University of Victoria's (UVic) founding law dean. He served as vice-president academic from 1983 to 1988.
Anne Fraser is a nationally syndicated CBC radio commentator who spearheaded efforts to preserve Halifax's historic waterfront buildings. She developed innovative continuing studies courses at UVic.
Diana Priestly (1922-1997) was one of the first appointees to the UVic Faculty of Law. She worked as a professor and founding librarian and established the criteria for the law library.
This building was formerly known as the Begbie Building (BGB).