SUMS Gathering

Dear Faculty, Grads, and selected Undergrads,
It's time to revive SUMS, our student society for undergraduates in Mathematics and Statistics.  I feel that a good way to do this is to hold an initial meeting of interested students, and various others who want to help get the ball rolling.
SUMS Gathering:  Friday, November 18 from 2:30 to 3:20 in DSB C116
If you're an instructor, especially of a 300 or 400-level course, please pass on the word to your students.  If you're interested in outreach and getting to know our students, feel free to attend yourself.  You might even be interested in acting as a faculty member liaison.
If you're involved in UVic's AWM Chapter, you're already a step ahead on academic and social activities involving our students.  Please consider attending if you can.  Assuming we can revive SUMS, a partnership with the AWM Chapter will be great to have in place.
If you're a grad student but a former UVic undergrad, please consider attending if you're able.  This will help achieve some continuity from the pre-pandemic SUMS activities to the present/future.
If you're a grad student with experience from SIGMAS, our *graduate* student society, you may have valuable advice/insight for structural or administrative aspects of the society.  And SIGMAS would be another good partner society.
Thank you for your help in this effort, even if it's just to get the word out.
Peter Dukes
Chair, Math and Stats