Ahmed Fest on December 6

On Thursday December 6th we will be having a day of activities to celebrate the works of Emeritus Professor Ahmed Sourour. Laurent Marcoux and Heydar Radjavi from the University of Waterloo will be giving research talks covering Sourour's scientific contributions. Sourour's former PhD student Maria Inez Cardoso Gonçalves from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil will also be joining us. We will also have a problem-solving session in recognition of Sourour's contributions to the annual UVic Math Contest and Putnam competitions. 

Photos from Ahmed Fest.

Ahmed Sourour

A celebration in recognition of 39 years of

mathematical research and teaching

at the University of Victoria

Thursday, December 6, 10:00am to 5:00 pm

David Strong Building C116

Ahmed has been a colleague in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics for 39 years. A formidable research mathematician, respected teacher and the leader of our William Lowell Putnam mathematical contest team over decades, Ahmed has contributed deeply and broadly to our department’s vitality and international profile.

As a researcher, Ahmed has produced an impressive body of work in operator theory and linear algebra, including deep structural results about classes of bounded linear operators, spectral radius and numerical range, always of the highest scientific quality. Many generations of majors and honours mathematics students have benefited from his warm, funny and wickedly insightful lectures in analysis, algebra and matrix theory. He is astonishingly talented in mathematical problem solving, and a scholar of all things football (soccer).

Please join us for a day in celebration of this remarkable academic career.


  • Maria Inez Cardoso Gonçalves, Prof. D.E. Departamento de Matemática, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, BRAZIL
  • Laurent Marcoux, Prof. Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
  • Heydar Radjavi, Emeritus Prof. Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
10:00-10:30: WELCOME and coffee/tea social
10:30-11:20: Laurent Marcoux: Title TBA
11:30-12:00: Maria Inez Cardoso Gonçalves: Reflections from a former student
12:00-1:00: LUNCH in DSB C116; all welcome
1:00-1:50: Heydar Radjavi: Title TBA
2:00-2:30: Contributions from colleagues and students
2:30-2:50: Peter Dukes: Ahmed Sourour’s mathematical contest legacy
2:50-3:00: A few words from Ahmed
3:00-3:30: Contest Problem Presentation
3:30-4:00: COFFEE/tea/brainstorming
4:00-5:00: Problem solution/discussion.
5:00-late: Informal dinner at a local venue. More details and sign-up sheet on the day.

Generous financial support provided by PIMS, UVic Faculty of Science and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.