A Multi-disciplinary Perspective on the Ethics of Decision-making Systems

This event is part of the PIMS sponsored Seminar Series: Mathematics of Ethical Decision-making Systems

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A Multi-disciplinary Perspective on the Ethics of Decision-making Systems

Talks commence at 3pm in the ECS Building, room 660, UVic

Thursday, February 9, 2023.


  • Midori Ogasawara, Assistant Professor, UVic Sociology
  • Patricia Cochran, Associate Professor, UVic Law
  • Freya Kodar, Associate Professor, UVic Law
  • Jentery Sayers, Associate Professor, UVic English




  • 3:00 pm Dr. Midori Ogasawara will speak on the social consequences of surveillance and data collection.
  • 3:30 pm Break for refreshments
  • 4:00 pm Dr. Patricia Cochran and Dr. Freya Kodar
    Title: Technology, access to justice and narratives of law in an unequal society In this presentation, we will share some information about our ongoing research collaborations about the relationship between access to justice and technologically-mediated decision-making (including algorithmic credit-scoring and the online Civil Resolution Tribunal). We will discuss some of the critical questions we think require interdisciplinary attention given the growing significance of technology in legal processes, and the challenges that such processes pose for important legal ideas such as equality.
  • 4:30 pm Dr. Jentery Sayers
    Title: Modelling Games as Activity Systems to Evaluate the Generative Contradictions between Play and Work I’ll talk about the articulation of genre studies with cultural-historical activity theory to consider conflicting motives in video games. I’m hoping to focus on contradictions related to labour (e.g., between dev teams and players; between types of players), metagaming (e.g., between social norms and player activities that may be considered cheating), and genre (between storytelling and mechanics, or “ludonarrative dissonance”). I’ll ground the talk in the model of activity theory rather than the particulars of these contradictions and conflicts.
  • 5:00 -5:30 pm Panel Discussion


**For those unable to attend in person, there will be a virtual component - e-mail Kristina at pims@uvic.ca for this ‘virtual attendance’ information.**