Colloquium: Combinatorics and representation theory of diagram algebras


Dr.  Zajj Daugherty from the City College of New York will be giving a Colloquium talk on "Combinatorics and representation theory of diagram algebras" on Monday, February 3rd from 3:30-5:00pm in Cornett B112.


In his early work, Schur constructed a powerful link between the symmetric group and the general linear group via commuting actions on a common vector space. Much more recently, there has been a cascade of developments surrounding diagram algebras that share commuting actions with other Lie groups, Lie algebras, and deformations thereof, with consequences in many fields, including representation theory, combinatorics, knot theory, and statistical mechanics. We will take a brief tour of some important examples of diagram algebras, and discuss how seeing them from Schur's perspective can reveal a wealth of information.