IdeaFest: Center for Biomedical Research Poster Social

The Center for Biomedical Research, an interdisciplinary UVic group, is holding a Pecha Kucha event on Tues. March 3 as part of Ideafest to highlight the biomedical research being done on campus. The presentations are at 3pm and after that there will be poster presentations, which Meghan Hall, - one of our Mathematics and Statistics graduate students - will be a part of, and some snacks.

Pecha Kucha Biomedica & Poster Social
Tuesday, March 3, 2015 | 3: 00-6:00 P.M. | MacLaurin A144 & Foyer

3:00 - 4:30 Pecha Kucha Presentation
Join us for an engaging fast-paced presentation of 20 slides, each 20 seconds, highlighting current biomedical research at Uvic.

4:30 - 6:00 Poster Social
Enjoy snacks and refreshments while visiting and discuss 40+ biomedical scientific posters