About us

UVic Retirees Association's aims are to maintain and optimize the relationship between the University and the personal, social and intellectual welfare of our members and all retirees from the University. UVRA has now grown to become the largest such association in BC.
The history of that growth is testament to some very persistent former UVic denizens and the support of an active membership.
Since first stirrings of interest in 1992, and formal registration under the BC Society Act in 1994, we have negotiated benefits on behalf of all retirees, as well as some which are specific to our members.
Over time, UVRA has become very active in organizing events and activities - for our members and for the local community. Socially, our members enjoy annual festive dinners, talks, and tours of the enormous variety of interesting sites around Victoria. For the past decade, UVRA has also consistently sought to bring the University's and other local expertise to the community, with various outreach events.
Membership fees are among the lowest of our peers. Lifetime membership is highly recommended, to keep administrative necessities (yours and ours!) to a minimum.
Without the dedication of volunteers who serve on our board, on committees, in the office and as event-organizers little of this could happen.
If you are interested in joining us, please contact uvra@uvic.ca.