Other CAMTEC facilities

Advanced Microscopy Facility

The Advanced Microscopy Facility (AMF) is a full featured electron microscopy laboratory. AMF is also home to the highest resolution microscope in the world, a scanning transmission electron holography microscope (STEHM). 

AMF is currently equipped with a TEM/STEM (Hitachi HF-3300V STEHM) equipped for holography, EDS, and GIF, a focused ion beam system (Hitachi FB-2100) with tungsten deposition and microprobe manipulator, field emission scanning electron microscope (Hitachi S-4800) with x-ray spectroscopy and backscatter detector, plasma cleaner (Fischione 1020), ion mill (Fischione 1010), gold-palladium sputter coater (Anatech Hummer VI), and a carbon coater (Cressington 208C).

After training, you can use AMF's instruments or you can arrange for them to do the work for you.

Facility for Biomolecular Sample Preparation

Facility for Biomolecular Sample Preparation (FBS) houses a diverse set of equipment for bio-sample preparation, purification, and analysis. This includes a complete set of instruments required for using recombinant E. coli expression to go from gene to purified protein, equipment for characterizing purified proteins, facilities for culturing and studying mammalian cells, an advanced multimode plate reader, and a Biacore surface plasmon resonance (SPR) instrument.

Other instruments, including an isothermal titration calorimeter, HPLC, LC-MS, and automated peptide synthesizer are located in adjoining facilities and may be made available on a case-by-case basis.

UVic Nanofabrication Facility

The UVic NanoFab is an open access user facility equipped with an Electron Beam Lithography (EBL) system in class 100 and 1000 clean rooms, and provides the capability of designing and fabricating nano-scale structures with feature sizes as small as 50 nm.

The UVic NanoFab provides the researchers on campus with a broad range of nanofabrication capabilities to support electronics, optical, molecular, magnetics and MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) projects.

The UVic NanoFab will also provide high quality personnel (HQP) training for graduate and undergraduate students, which will allow them to gain mind-expanding experiences with state-of-the-art nanotechnology.