News and events

Call for Proposals

Despite the ongoing and emerging challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue collectively to find new forms of community collaboration, experiential learning, and professional development. With this in mind, the Centre for Indigenous Research and Community-Led Engagement (CIRCLE) and the Supporting Aboriginal Graduate Enhancement (SAGE) Program are excited to announce the first annual joint CIRCLE and SAGE Indigenous Graduate Student Conference. The conference will take place via Zoom on April 6th and 7th, 2021, and the theme for the inaugural conference relates to The Resilience of Indigenous Nationhood.

Call for Proposals

The Centre for Indigenous Research and Community-Led Engagement (CIRCLE) and the Supporting Aboriginal Graduate Enhancement (SAGE) Program are excited to announce the first annual joint CIRCLE and SAGE Indigenous Graduate Student Conference: The Resilience of Indigenous Nationhood. The conference will take place via Zoom on April 6th and 7th, 2021.

Call for Proposals

The Centre for Indigenous Research and Community-Led Engagement (CIRCLE) and the Supporting Aboriginal Graduate Enhancement (SAGE) Program are excited to announce the first annual joint CIRCLE and SAGE Indigenous Graduate Student Conference: The Resilience of Indigenous Nationhood. The conference will take place via Zoom on April 6th and 7th, 2021.

IJIH: A special thematic issue

IJIH and FNHA are pleased to present "Wellness-Based Indigenous Health Research and Promising Practices" - an extensive collection of exceptional papers in such areas including, community-based traditional healing and knowledge sharing, the role of Elders in wellness and learning, First Nation community-based palliative care, Indigenous youth leadership, and Inuit youth mental health intervention.

University of Victoria Women’s Soccer at UBC Okanagan

14th Latin American and Spanish Film Week

The 14th Latin American and Spanish Film Week will take place from September 18th until September 22nd, 2024. Attend a public chat with local Latin American artists and watch fourSpanish-language films (with English subtitles) at Cinecenta!

Mamífera: Latin American and Spanish Film Week

See the full schedule of movies at c!

The Michoacán File: Latin American and Spanish Film Week

See the full schedule of movies at c!

Islamic Lecture for Men (Halaqa)

Islamic Lecture for Men is a weekly program that is dedicated to learning the core principles and practices of Islam.

Islamic Lecture for Women (Halaqa)

Islamic Lecture for Women is a weekly program that is dedicated to learning the core principles and practices of Islam.

Eyes of the Beast: Climate Disaster Survivor Stories

A Neworld Theatre production presented by the Climate Disaster Project in association with the University of Victoria's Department of Theatre.