
Relationships: We are committed to fostering mutually beneficial and sustainable relationships.

In addition to our primary value on relationships we also value the four teachings laid out in UVic's Indigenous Plan.

We have chosen to highlight four foundational values or teachings that are common among the Coast Salish peoples. Many people, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, may also share similar teachings and values. These foundational values provide a framework to guide our work. As important as these foundational values are, the wisdom of the Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and community members continually guide us in our work.

Indigenous Plan 2023

Heʔkw səl’elexw’tala sčelāŋen’s

Remember our ancestors/birthright

Respectful research acknowledges that expertise comes from local traditions and cultures, which are embodied within community members.

Preparation of research agreements that outline the community’s rights to ownership, control, access and possession (OCAP principles) of the research represents that commitment to be a responsible and respectful partner in community based research.

Community based research needs to ensure that communities directly benefit from their participation in the research.

Nəcə māt gwens čey’i

Work together

Respect toward Indigenous peoples is demonstrated through research partnerships that value the contribution of diverse Indigenous knowledges.

Community members and local ways of knowing must play a key role in guiding the research through all stages including design, implementation, analysis and distribution of the findings.

Reciprocity requires that researchers and communities be engaged in a two-way process of learning and knowledge exchange.

Responsibility requires that researchers follow the ethical guidelines of their own institutions, as well as any community-based protocols.

Projects should aim to share resources (information and funding) among the partners, though such efforts as training and hiring community members to be part of the research team.

Developing effective training and research relationships can improve both the capacity of university and community researchers.

An action-oriented approach is particularly valuable, and researchers and community-based participants should develop a shared understanding of how the results of the research will be used to improve the health and wellbeing of the community.

New’ews sn ʔeyʔ šweleqwəns

Bring in your good feelings

Research projects should be developed in partnership with community members to ensure that they are taking up issues that are important to the community.

In addition to ethical guidelines, researchers conduct their work in a culturally safe way.

ə’sacʔəy’xw meqw tə’sa tečel

Be prepared for all work to come

Responsibility requires that researchers are actively engaged in rigorous self-reflection and take cues from ongoing engagement with the community.

Relevance of research partnerships requires not only the respectful integration of Indigenous perspectives into research methodology, but also that the research is relevant to the experiences of Indigenous peoples.

The presentation of results needs to be accessible and understandable to community members, and should be delivered through community-based processes of knowledge exchange (i.e. presentations at community dinners, storytelling).

Elder Elmer Seniemten George and elected Chief Robert Sam, both of the Songhees First Nation gave permission for the University of Victoria to use these words.