Kwang Moo Yi

Kwang Moo  Yi
Assistant Professor
Computer Science
Office: ECS 612


I am an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science of the University of Victoria (UVic). Prior to UVic, I worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Computer Vision Lab in École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland), working with Prof. Pascal Fua and Prof. Vincent Lepetit . I received my Ph.D. from Seoul National University, under the supervision of Prof. Jin Young Choi. I received my B.Sc. from Seoul National University as well.


Computer Vision is used everywhere and is already an essential part of our daily lives. My ultimate goal is to improve the quality of human life through smarter vision systems. Towards this goal, I advance Computer Vision in various levels, mainly through Machine Learning. With the arrival of the Deep Learning revolution, Computer Vision algorithms have become ever more effective, but there is still a lot more in the field to benefit from this advancement. More specifically, my core research interests lie in understanding Geometry, Detecting, Tracking, and Analysing an object of interest. While I approach these problems with Deep Learning and Machine Learning methods, I focus on keeping methods practical, in order for them to be useful in the real-world.


  • 14.02.2019: I will be serving as Area Chair for BMVC 2019.
  • 14.02.2019: I will be serving as Area Chair for ICCV 2019.
  • 01.01.2019: Research Grant awarded -- Google
  • 01.11.2018: NSERC Engage Grant awarded -- with SPORTLOGIQ
  • 05.09.2018: Our work on LF-Net is accepted to NeurIPS 2018.
  • 03.07.2018: Our work on Eigen-free Losses is accepted to ECCV 2018.
  • 03.07.2018: Our work on Learning to Find Good Correspondences was presented at CVPR 2018 as an Oral!
  • 01.04.2018: NSERC Discovery Grant Awarded.
  • 02.03.2018: Our work on Learning to Find Good Correspondences is accepted to CVPR 2018.
  • 10.07.2017: Our work on Learning Lightprobes is accepted to ISMAR as an oral presentation.
  • 29.05.2017: Our work on Robust 3D Tracking is published on-line on TPAMI
  • 07.05.2017: I will be joining University of Victoria as an Assistant Professor starting December!


See a complete list here