Support for OA Publishing (SOAP)

UVic researchers are entitled to waivers or discounts on Article Processing Charges (APCs) with the publishers listed below. These publisher agreements are negotiated through UVic Libraries. Authors are asked to submit articles using their @uvic email address to receive these discounts and waivers.

Journal search tool

Use the search tool to find out if the open access fees for the journal you want to publish in are covered by one of our read and publish deals.


PDF version

Publisher Discount Instructions
American Chemical Society USD $250 Use an affiliated university email extension address and select its institution from the drop-down box.
Confirm that the institutional affiliation stated in the body of the manuscript is the corresponding author’s affiliation.
Cambridge University Press (2022-2024)
100% Publish an unlimited number of articles, without article processing charges, in all hybrid and gold journals. Step by step guide for OA publishing for authors.
Canadian Science Publishing (2023-2025)

100% - 5 journals

25% - 14 journals

Unlimited OA publishing on 5 journals: Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Canadian Journal of Physics, Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, Genome, and Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering.

Authors are also eligible to receive a 25% discount on the article processing charge (APC) for all CSP Hybrid journals. The following Gold OA journals are not eligible for the 25% discount: Arctic Science, Drone Systems and Applications, and FACETS.

Company of Biologists
(2022-2024; 2025-27)

Publish an unlimited number of open access articles without article processing charges in the following journals:  Development, Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Experimental Biology, Disease Models & Mechanisms, and Biology Open

Elsevier ScienceDirect (2024–2026)

Publish an unlimited number of articles in Elsevier hybrid journals with no article processing charge (APC).

Authors are eligible to receive a 20% discount on APC for most Elsevier Gold Open Access journals.

Several journals are excluded from the APC waiver, such as Cell Press, Lancet, and some other society owned journals.

Author workflow

Institute of Physics Publishing (IOPP)(2022-2024)
100% For selected hybrid and gold journals. Author Guide. Additional info here.
MDPI Institutional Open Access Program 10% Authors will be billed directly. Article Processing Charges for journals at MDPI.
Oxford University Press (2024-2026) 100% UVic Authors will be able to request use of this account to pay Open Access charges when arranging payment in OUP's online licensing and payment system.
PLOS   Authors with no research funding - see alternate source for APC assistance in their " Publication Fee Assistance Program."
Royal Society of Chemistry 15% Discount on article processing charges for all hybrid journals.
SAGE Journals
100% Publish an unlimited number of articles, without article processing charges, in SAGE Choice hybrid journals.
Taylor & Francis

Discount on article processing chages in Open Select hybrid journals. Details on process.

NOTE: payment has to originate from the individual and not a third party.


Publish an unlimited number of articles, without article process charges, in Wiley's hybrid journals . Eligible articles include: case study, commentary, data article, education, lecture, method and protocol, perspective, practice and policy, rapid publications, research article, review article, short communication, and technical note.

Please contact your subject librarian or the Office of Scholarly Communication if you have any questions.