Current activities

The EU Centre of Excellence at UVic hosts many and varied public events each year.
Please return to this site frequently to stay connected.

Bauhaus, Design and the Livable Anthropocene


This event celebrates the innovative approach to design and architecture developed at the Bauhaus Art School, founded in 1919. A colloquium featuring invited speakers will precede the Opening of the bau1haus exhibition of photographs by Jean Molinar of Modernist buildings inspired by Bauhaus from around the world. This event is open to students, faculty, staff, and the general public. A reception with refreshments will follow the Opening.

For more information, click here.

Institute for EU and European Studies Lecture Series


Funded by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, researchers from various disciplines, such as Political Science, History, Philosophy, and Economics present their research on a monthly basis to the European Studies community on campus. To look at the event shedule, click the above link.