Grade review requests

If you believe that an assignment you submitted has been unfairly evaluated, your first step is to discuss your concerns with your instructor. As your instructor is using the grading standards for first-year writing, be prepared to show how your work matches the standards for the letter grade you think you it should have received. If you are not satisfied with your discussion with the instructor, you may apply for a formal grade review.

To request a formal grade review, you will need to fill out a grade review request form. There is a $25.00 charge per course for a formal review. Students have 21 days from the day their grade is released to submit a request for review.

Notes to consider when requesting a review of a final assigned grade:

  • The grade determined by means of a review shall be recorded as the final official grade, irrespective of whether it is identical to, higher than, or lower than the original grade.
  • If seeking a review of term work, you must be able to present all written work returned to you by the instructor during the term.
  • The student will be notified by email from the Office of the Registrar of the Department/Program's response. 
  • Decisions under normal circumstances will be processed within 4 weeks. 

If you want help with or advice concerning a grade review, please consult the UVic Ombudsperson.