Frequently asked questions

Can I study part-time or by distance?

Students in the on campus college-university transfer program have seven years to complete their BSN degree from the time they enter Semester One. While it is optimal for you to continue with full-time studies, this is not always possible.

Please contact an regarding part-time and/or distance education options.

How do I register for courses?

All course registration is done by signing in to My page on the UVic homepage. You must register for and drop courses within the deadlines listed in UVic calendar. Generally the School of Nursing will register students in core nursing courses.

New applicants to UVic must pay a non-refundable $200 acceptance deposit in order to access My page. This deposit is later applied to tuition for your first term of study.

Re-registrants (students who have previously taken courses at UVic) must re-register and pay a re-registration fee (at the time of transfer to Term Six) to resume their studies and register for courses.

Students with a bachelor’s degree from UVic or another recognized post-secondary educational institute may apply to complete a second bachelor’s degree by submitting the Application to Enroll in a Second Bachelor’s Degree Program.

Does UVic offer a post-baccalaureate BSN program?

No, the University of Victoria does not currently offer a post-baccalaureate BSN program.

How much will it cost?

It is expensive to attend university. Not only do you need funds to support yourself and members of your family, but you have additional costs associated with tuition, books, photocopying, communication, travel, etc. Some of you may continue to work to support yourself. However, we know that this has an impact on the amount of time that you can devote to your studies. With some effort and planning now, you may be able to more appropriately budget for your time at the University of Victoria and find a number of additional sources for funding to further your education.

Accounting Services provides information regarding current tuition fees, payment options and frequently asked questions (students complete 31.5 units in the UVic portion of the BSN program).

Student Awards and Financial Aid provides general information regarding costs while attending the UVic.

In addition, students should ensure that they budget sufficiently for books and course materials, parking or transportation needs and any additional costs related to practice (e.g. immunizations).

We recognize that this may seem a bit overwhelming; however, there is considerable funding available to help provide financial support for your continued post-secondary education. While the competition is sometimes fierce, if you do not apply, you won’t receive these funds. We urge you to prepare an appropriate budget and then APPLY, APPLY, APPLY.

Does graduating from a Practical Nursing program qualify me for advanced standing in the BSN program?

At the discretion of the college admission evaluation process, students with previously completed university level course work may receive some credit for courses such as English, biology and non-nursing electives--all requirements for the BSN degree. At this point, you are best to contact the college partner sites:

Aurora College - Yellowknife/North Slave campus
Nursing - Health & Human Services Program
5004-54 Street Bag 9700
Yellowknife, NT
X1A 2R3
Phone: 867-920-3497
Fax: 867-873-0358

Camosun College: Health and Human Services
3100 Foul Bay Road
Victoria, BC
V8P 4X8            
Phone: 250-370-3247
Fax: 250-370-3177  

Selkirk College: Department of Health Studies
PO Box 1200
Castlegar,  BC
V1N 3J1
Phone: 250-365-1286

College of the Rockies: Health Programs
PO Box 8500
Cranbrook, BC
V1C 5L7
Phone: 250-489-2751  (ext. 3374)

The College of Registered Nurses of BC (CRNBC) website can give you more information on nursing or access programs offered in British Columbia.

How many electives are required to transfer to UVic?

Students must complete two non-nursing electives to be considered for admission to the UVic portion of the BSN program. The non-nursing electives may be 100 to 400 level university transfer courses that are approved by your nursing program.

Can I complete the first two years at UVic?

No. UVic does not offer the courses in Semesters 1-5. The college partner sites do not offer the courses in Semester 6 onward.

Does UVic accept transfers from outside of the college partner sites?

Students in the BSN program at college partner sites are reserved a seat in the UVic portion of the program if they meet the admission requirements.

Students registered at institutions outside of the college partner sites would not have a reserved seat in the UVic portion of the program.

Does UVic offer an accelerated BSN program?

At present the UVic  does not offer an accelerated BSN program.

At the discretion of the college admission evaluation process, students with course work from colleges and universities outside the partnership may receive some credit for courses such as English, biology and non-nursing electives--all requirements for the BSN degree.

Will I receive transfer credit for a previous degree or other previously completed course work?

After evaluation students with a previous degree from an accredited post-secondary instituion may have the third non-nursing elective waived and the Academic Writing Requirement satisfied.

Students with previously completed post-secondary course work may have applicable transfer credit. The specfics of this would be determined after the student applies to UVic.

What pre-requisites are required for admission into the UVic portion of BSN program

Students must successfully complete all courses in Semesters One through Five, and the two consolidated practice experiences, with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) equivalent to 3.0 on the UVic 9.0 point scale.

Please note that college and UVic GPAs may not be equivalent. UVic includes repeated and failed courses in the GPA calculation for all required courses including the required English, Biology and electives.

If you fail any required course you must successfully repeat that course before acceptance to UVic. If you fail a nursing practice course in Semesters One through Five, you will be placed on nursing practice probation for the duration of your program at UVic.

You may only repeat a failed nursing practice course once in the program (Years One to Four). Admission to the BSN program is provisional pending receipt of an official transcript indicating satisfactory completion of Semester Five.

Are there courses I can complete before entering the program?

You may complete the following BSN program course requirements before entering the nursing program:

  1. English
  2. Two non-nursing electives (100 to 400 university transferable level courses)
  3. Third non-nursing elective (same as above). This is a UVic BSN program course requirement and therefore, must be transferable to the University of Victoria.
  4. Biology (Human Anatomy & Physiology)

Please contact the educational institute where you will be beginning your nursing education prior to registering for any of the courses listed above as UVic only offers years 3 & 4 of the BSN program.

You must confirm with an advisor that the course(s) you intend to complete will transfer and meet the program course requirements of the BSN program in which you intend to register.

Is the BSN degree received upon completion of the BSN program recognized as a university degree?

Yes. A Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree from the University of Victoria is awarded upon the successful completion of the UVic portion of the BSN program.