Dr. Coby Tschanz

Dr. Coby Tschanz
Associate Teaching Professor, Practice Education Lead
School of Nursing
Office: HSD A422

Coby Tschanz, RN, MN, PhD

Area of expertise

Hospice palliative nursing practice, human living experiences, nursing theory-guided practice and research, nursing education: rituals in nursing education, inter-professional and interdisciplinary teamwork

I began my work in the Teaching Professor stream at the School of Nursing in December, 2008. This includes teaching in the undergraduate programs and providing community service within the School, University, and society.

Other current duties and interests include:

  • contributing to UVIC BSN program initiatives;
  • serving as Xi Eta (Sigma International, UVIC) counsellor;
  • co-coordinating undergraduate BSN practice education courses;
  • co-developing/facilitating workshops for undergraduate, graduate students and colleagues on topics such as nursing theory-guided practice; scholarly writing; supporting student nurses in practice; and
  • participating in Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Nurse Educators’ Interest Groups and the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Nurses Group.


SON Areas of Research:

  • The scholarship of nursing education
  • Chronic and life-limiting illness and palliative care
  • Philosophical inquiry

My interests are in advancing the discipline of nursing, within my work in academic and point-of-care settings (hospice palliative care) and through the study of nursing philosophy, nursing theory-guided practice and inquiry, contemplative pedagogy, nursing practice education, and hospice palliative care.  My research has been framed within humanbecoming (Parse, 2014) and focused on living experiences (e.g., bearing witness, feeling pulled in different directions).



I am inspired by contemplative pedagogy and poetics as well as humanbecoming (Parse, 2004) processes of teaching-learning: living with ambiguity, appreciating mystery, potentiating integrity, weaving multi-dimensionally, honouring wisdom, and witnessing unfolding.  I draw on current point-of-care experiences in hospice palliative and community nursing, when teaching in the BSN program (Courses include: Nursing Inquiry, Hospice Palliative Nursing, Practice Education/Experiences).


  • Thoun, D. T., Bruce, A., & Tschanz, C. (2019). Walking steps: Contemplative wanderings with humanbecoming. Catalyzing the field: Second-person approaches to contemplative learning and inquiry (pp. 127-145). New York: SUNY.

  • Rietze, L. L., Tschanz, C. L., & Richardson, H. R. L. (2018). Evaluating an initiative to promote entry-level competence in palliative and end-of-life care for Registered Nurses in Canada. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 20(6), 568-574.

  • Bruce, A., & Tschanz, C. (2013). Poetic forms: Shaping aesthetic knowing. Journal of Nursing Education, 52(9), 543-544.

  • Walker, M., & Tschanz, C. (2013). Stories are like water. Creative Nursing, 19(2), 81-5.

  • Purkis, M. E., Borycki, E., Kuziemsky, C., Black, F., Cloutier-Fisher, D., Fox, L. A., Mackenzie, P., Syme, A.,Tschanz, C. (2011). Extending the team component of the Latimer ethical decision-making model for palliative care. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 2011(3), 41-52.
  • Stajduhar, K.I., and Tschanz, C. (2011). Interfaith chaplaincy in hospice palliative care. In H. Coward, and K. I. Stajduhar, Religious Understandings of a "GoodDeath" in Hospice Palliative Care. New York: SUNY.
  • Tschanz, C., & Young, L. (2011). CMapping: CASN PEOLC in a hospice/palliative care nursing elective (poster presentation). CHPCA Conference, St. John’s, NFLD.

  • Northrup, D.T., Tschanz, C.L., Olynyk, V.G., Schick Makaroff, K.L., Szabo, J. and Biasio,H.A. (2009). Nursing: whose discipline is it anyway? In P.G. Reed, and N.B.C.Shearer (eds.), Perspectives on Nursing (5th ed., pp. 76-88). Philadelphia:Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

  • Tschanz, C. (2008, September). Vulnerability: without question? (paper presentation). International Congresson Care of the Terminally Ill, Montreal, Quebec.

  • Tschanz, C. (2007, May). The meaning of bearing witness for nurses in practice with persons living their dying (poster presentation). British Columbia Hospice Palliative Care Association Annual Conference.
