Dr. Margaret Scaia

Dr. Margaret Scaia
Assistant Teaching Professor, Acting Associate Director Undergraduate Programs and Partnerships
School of Nursing
Office: HSD A442


Area of expertise

Distance education curriculum development and management, simulation learning models in nursing education, clinical practice models, health promotion/public health and mental health, history of nursing and nursing education

  • 2009-2012: SSHRC 3-Year CGS D Scholarship ($35,000.00/yr);
  • 2009: Canadian Association for the History of Nursing (CAHN/ACHN Margaret Allemang Scholarship);
  • 2008: BC History of Nursing Group: Scholarship for the History of Nursing2008: Andy Farquharson Award for Teaching Excellence – School of Nursing nominee; 
  • 2008: Book of the Year Award – 2008 AJN Book award for Capturing Nursing History: A Guide to Historical Methods in Research. Editors: Sandra B. Lewenson, EdD, RN, FAAN; Eleanor Krohn Herrmann, EdD, RN, FAAN. Chapter: Chapter 6: Oral History Research: Geertje Boschma, Margaret Scaia, Nerrisa Bonfacio, Erica Roberts.
Professional affiliations
  • Board Member, Canadian Association for the History of Nursing;
  • UBC Consortium for Nursing History Inquiry
  • British Columbia History of Nursing Group;
  • BCCNM and CNA membership;
Service to the school
  • Active in promoting student and faculty interest in nursing history
  • Lead on Professor Emeritus History Project in conjunction with UVic Library and Archives
  • Board Member: Royal Jubilee Hospital Archives Dissolution
  • Chair: Post RN Diploma Program
  • Co-chair History of the UVic School of Nursing committee


  • UVic SoN Professor Emeritus project with UVic Library and Archives and Digital Scholarship Commons to research and develop individual fonds representing retired and honoured UVic SoN Faculty from the inception of the school.

  • Nurses Experience of MAiD – oral interviews into the experience of nurses’ involvement with MAiD patient experience. Collaborative research project with Island Health and UVic/UVic School of Nursing;

  • Exploration and understanding of significant intersections between the history of women, work, and motherhood as reflected in changes in the social construction of nursing during the 1960s and including the early to mid 1970s. The research is contextualized though references to the post-war period and the decade following the 1960s. It will build on scholarship in the areas of history, women's studies and nursing, including my own scholarship around the history of motherhood in post-war Canada;

  • Current: History of the UVic School of Nursing project with Dr. L.E. Young;

  • 2009: Co-researcher on funded University of Victoria research project with Dr. M. McIntyre and Dr. C. McDonald, The influence of peer dynamics on student online learning. The research question "how do peer dynamics influence student learning in an online environment?" will be addressed through a qualitative research design informed by a hermeneutic approach. The intention is to generate new understandings about an experience for which we currently have limited understanding. The approach generates accounts from people about their experiences that can be used to challenge the taken for granted assumptions that currently influence practice; in this case, teaching and learning online.


My approach to teaching/learning is informed by the work of Boyer (1990), Brookfield (1995), Kreber (2003), and Rice (2002). In short, Ramsden (1992) notes that "the aim of teaching is simple: it is to make student learning possible" (p. 5).

I believe that scholarly teaching and making student learning possible is also about innovation, experimentation, engagement and reflection. It is my responsibility to reduce barriers to learning by providing appropriate resources that address a variety of styles of learning. For this reason, I like to keep topics and resources current and relevant not only to the topic, but also to the changing needs and interests of students.

While having clearly developed goals and outcomes is important, it is only through guiding students through the process of learning that these goals can be met. Sometimes, this means that goals, in fact, need to change, and outcomes aren't quite what you expected!


  • Beuthin, R. Bruce, A. & Scaia, M. (2018). Medical assistance in dying (MAiD): Canadian nurses experiences. Nurse Forum, 2018;1-10.
  • The history of women and health in Canada (1950 - 2010): Chapter: The Contribution of Nursing (2017). This volume is one of a series put out by The Women's History Society. This volume is an edited collection of invited articles on a range of health topics, including abortion, reproductive health, women's hospitals, research, nursing, and midwifery. Edited by Lorraine Greaves. Feminist History Society: Toronto Canada;

  • Scaia, M. (2017) Becoming A Nurse, Vancouver And Calgary: Women, Work, Motherhood: 1958-1976. BC Studies, in press;

  • Scaia, M. and McPherson, K. (2017). Challenges and change in undergraduate nursing education. In M. McIntyre and C. McDonald (Eds.). Realities of Canadian Nursing: Professional, Practice and Power Issues (5rd edition). New York NY: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins;

  • Storch, J. and Scaia, M. (2017). History of the Canadian Health Care System. In M. McIntyre and C. McDonald (Eds.). Realities of Canadian Nursing: Professional, Practice and Power Issues (5rd edition). New York NY: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins;

  • Ryan, M. Scaia, M. Smith, V. & Walker, M. (2013) "(un)Disciplining the Nurse Writer" International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship;

  • Scaia, M., & Young, L.E. (2013). “Writing History: Case Study of the University of Victoria School of Nursing International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship;

  • Boschma, G., Scaia, M., Bonifacio, N. and Roberts, E., (2008), Oral history research. In S.B. Lewenson and E.K. Herrmann (Eds.). Capturing Nursing History: A Guide to Historical Methods in Research (pp.79-98). New York NY: Springer Publishing Company.