Conflict Fluency

The conflict fluency vertical learning series was created to support the work of the UVic-wide Conflict Project. Please visit the Conflict Toolkit and website for more information on the project.

Visit the Conflict Toolkit

Sharing the vision of this project helps set the tone for this learning series:

Our UVic community is filled with passionate, skilled, kind-hearted people looking to contribute their best to our organization, community and the world. When we do conflict engagement well, our organization increases our capacity to achieve our strategic priorities.

The vision for this framework is that, when faced with a workplace conflict, all UVic employees will have a similar understanding of and ability to articulate and action the appropriate and helpful next steps for which they will be held accountable. The ultimate goal is to build capacity and competency so that all UVic employees see their role  and have the skills to do conflict well. 

Conflict refers to any situation in which people have incompatible interests, goals, principles, or feelings.” (Capobianco, Davis & Kraus, Conflict Dynamics Profile, Eckerd College).

This learning series is designed to build employee’s confidence, awareness and skills and to take responsibility for navigating conflict in constructive ways. Participants in this series will practice conflict fluency by: making a commitment to the process of figuring out respectful ways through uncertain or difficult conversations, by curiously exploring contributing factors, discerning ways to adjust behaviors and expectations, and by seeking help when needed.

Conflict is inevitable and sometimes very necessary. At UVic we know many of our strategic objectives are only possible when we gather a diversity of perspectives in conversation. As this naturally creates conflict, we want to learn to do it well.

These learning opportunities play a part in UVic becoming a conflict fluent organization. We are doing this by supporting employees in developing skills to respond to conflict in constructive ways and holding them accountable for doing so, while providing resources to address destructive conflict.

Enrol in the Series

Download the Employee Learning Program Series Overview

Conflict fluency learning series overview and chart describing each course title that is part of the learning series.

Conflict Fluency learning series snapshot (5 core courses and two additional leader-focused courses):

US21 Discover Personality Using Lumina: Increase self-awareness by discovering your personality preferences and improve your communication, teamwork, and leadership.

US24 Cultural Intelligence in the Workplace: Explore cultural values and develop your ability to relate to others and interact effectively across cultures.

US25 Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: Become more aware of your own and other's emotions so you can directly influence how you react to stressful situations and improve interpersonal relationships.

CC33 Interpersonal Communication: Communicate effectively to build relationships with peers and within teams.

CC34 Holding Difficult Conversations: Step confidently into conversations that matter.

MP57 Conflict Coaching (New)!: This course is still under development - watch for new information in 2024.

One or two electives: Choose 1 (Leaders choose 2) Electives (3.5 hours of learning each) from the list or submit an alternative for consideration. Choose 1 (Leaders choose 2) Electives (3.5 hours of learning each)

Learning behaviours and themes

The learning series will explore the key conflict behaviours that have a research-supported likelihood of making conflict better or worse.

conflict fluency table of behaviours in conflict

The CDP destructive and constructive conflict behaviours articulated on a spectrum and according to their role in conflict. Adapted from the Conflict Dynamics Profile

Other themes that will be explored include:

  • Acknowledging the impact of various personality and communication preferences on yourself and others.
  • Cultivating self-awareness and self-management in various cultural, emotional and relational contexts
  • Communicating across difference and valuing alternative ways of being
  • Practicing holding uncertainty through change
  • Exploring the relationship between identity and values that may underpin disagreements

Intended audience

All UVic employees are welcome to participate in this learning series. Those with personal and professional development goals pertaining to addressing workplace conflict, improving communication, team rapport building, leadership and supervision, or connecting their work to UVic’s strategic vision, Equity Action Plan and Indigenous Plan, may have a particular interest.

Detailed course descriptions

This is a vertical learning series and the core courses are included in our main learning series. Please review their definitions in the appropriate learning series overview.

Conflict Fluency Series Electives

  • Choose 1 (Leaders choose 2) Electives (3.5 hours of learning each) from the following list or submit an alternative for consideration.

Courses offered by the EQHR office:

  • Kil KaahlGalangdal– “Hear Someone’s Voice Before You See Them"
  • Foundations to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
  • Starting the Conversation: Preventing and responding to sexualized violence on campus
  • Gender Diversity on Campus
  • Dimensions of Diversity: Appreciating Cultures
  • EQHR Anti-Racism Awareness Training

Other elective options from other HR-Learning Offerings:

  • Towards a Shared Understanding of Respect (formerly Respect Factor)
  • Hold Onto Yourself
  • Mediator in a Box
  • Any sessions that are part of the leadership programming including the 2023/2024 offering Let’s Talk About Leadership (LTAL)