Event Details

Assessing the Statistical Nature of P2P Botnets

Presenter: Teghan Godkin
Supervisor: Dr. Stephen Neville

Date: Fri, February 22, 2013
Time: 09:30:00 - 00:00:00
Place: ECS 660



Botnets are collections of compromised machines which are controlled by a remotely located adversary; they are a core mechanism that allows adversarial groups to gain control over large scale computing resources. Recent botnets have become increasingly complex, relying on Peer-to-Peer (P2P) protocols for botnet command and control (C&C). In this work, a packet-level simulation of a Kademlia-based P2P botnet is used to investigate how varying initial conditions and modifying operational botnet parameters impact measured botnet features. The simulation results illustrate the complex nature of botnet operation, and highlight a need for rigorous statistical analysis as part of the engineering process.