Studio access and bookings

Regular office hours for general drop-in access and technical support are 8:30 am - 4:00 p.m. 

Browse the "lab hours and access" tab below for more specific information about access to individual labs.

To request a booking for a lab, email or contact us.

Labs are available for drop-in use when not booked for a class. Some labs are accessible by ONECard outside of regular hours. Check below for specific access times and conditions.

MacD211 & MacD282

  • Bookable room (see "booking a studio" tab above for more information.)
  • No student access during classroom bookings. See "schedules" tab above for current schedule.
  • Regular hours: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm. Open for general access drop-in (no swipe card needed).
  • Support staff are available on site for assistance during regular hours. See our technical support page for more information on getting help.
  • Accessible by ONECard outside of regular hours (as long as you can get in the building).
  • See our resources page for more information about the software and hardware in these studios.


  • This room is not bookable but used on a first come, first served basis.
  • Accessible by ONECard only (even during regular office hours). If you need access, please contact us or drop by MacD209 during regular office hours to obtain ONECard access.
  • Support staff are available on site for assistance during regular hours. See our technical support page for more information on getting help.
  • See our resources page for more information about the software and hardware in this studio.


  • Bookable room (see "booking a studio" above) or contact EPHE general office.
  • No student access during classroom bookings.
  • Drop-in access outside of class times is sometimes available. See posted schedules (in/outside of lab) or contact the EPHE General office (Mck120).
  • Support staff are available for assistance during regular hours. See our technical support page for more information on getting help.
  • Please note: This lab is not accessible by ONECard.
  • See our resources page for more information about the software and hardware in this studio.

Mobile labs

  • The mobile lab laptop carts are bookable by Education instructors and faculty for use on campus.
  • When the carts are not in use, individual laptops may be available for loan inside the Curriculum Library. (Go to the loan desk to borrow one.)
  • Borrowers agree to pick up and return all equipment to and from the Curriculum Library at the agreed time(s) in consideration of other borrowers who are depending on the same equipment.
  • See our resources page for more information about the software and hardware in available with our mobile labs.

To book a studio, contact us at:
Tel: 250-853-3986
Or drop by MacD209.

To book a mobile lab, contact:

Check out their webpage for availability and booking or visit the Curriculum Library in MacD201.

After hours access is available by ONECard to most labs for instructors, Education students and students taking Education courses. Please contact Education lab staff in MacD209 during regular office hours to obtain ONECard access.

ONECards do not give the holder entry to the Maclaurin building. Building hours vary, but typically the Maclaurin building is open evenings and weekends but may be locked during extended university closures.

Just a test... please don't apply (yet).

2nd Floor Display Boards Booking Request Form

Your name:

Your email address:

Phone #:

Course or project title:

I'd like to use small boards and large boards.
Start date:
Needed for (days):
