Nevin Harper

Nevin Harper
Professor; Recreation and Health Education Program Leader
Office: MCK 195b

BA (Oregon), MA (Royal Roads), PhD (Minnesota)

Area of expertise

Outdoor recreation, Adventure education, Experiential group facilitation, Eco-health & wellness initiatives, Leadership, Outdoor risky play


Dr. Nevin Harper is a professor in the School of Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education. Nevin has been a career outdoor educator, guide and trainer in outdoor adventure leadership and group facilitation. He is also a registered clinical counsellor who practices eco-therapy—bringing outdoor physical activity, mindfulness and ecological wellness principles together. He remains active in a number of national and international outdoor leadership and adventure therapy organizations.

Research interests

  • Health, wellness and therapeutic potential of outdoor activity & interventions
  • Child/youth development through unstructured play, risk & place-based learning
  • Adventure expedition concepts & characteristics
  • Leadership & group facilitation

Selected publications

Harper, N. J., Gabrielsen, L., & Fernee, C. (2021). Nature’s role in outdoor therapies: An umbrella review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10), 5117.

Harper, N. J., & Obee, P. (2020). Articulating outdoor risky play in early childhood education: Voices of forest and nature school practitioners. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 21(2), 184-194.

Harper, N. J. (2018). Locating self in place: Expedition-style study abroad in Bolivia and the global awareness of emerging adults. Journal of Experiential Education, 41(3), 295-311.

Harper, N. J. (2017). Wilderness therapy, therapeutic camping and outdoor adventure in child and youth care literature: A scoping review. Children and Youth Services Review, 83, 68-79.