Eric A. Roth

Eric A. Roth
Professor Emeritus



PhD Toronto

Area of expertise

HIV/AIDS; Substance use; Canada

I am a physical anthropologist, trained in anthropological demography by Nancy Howell at the University of Toronto.

For over twenty years I have worked in small communities in northern Kenya, where I studied demography, maternal child health, childhood growth, and economic recovery from drought for formerly nomadic Rendille and Ariaal pastoralists, and HIV/AIDS in Nairobi female sex workers and their male clients.

My current research interests focus on the social epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in British Columbia, and my current projects include longitudinal studies of sexual behavior for gay and bisexual men and in British Columbia and adherence to highly active anti-retroviral treatment among female HIV (+) British Columbians.,

In addition to my appointment in Anthropology, I hold an appointment as a Scientist with the University of Victoria’s Centre for Addictions Research of British Columbia (CARBC).


  • Substance use
  • Canada

Current projects

Momentum Men’s Health Study

Momentum Men’s Health Study represents a 5-year grant funded by the National Institutes of Health (US) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to assess possible changes in attitudes and sexual behavior associated with British Columbia’s expansion of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) among Vancouver Men Who Have Sex with Men.

Principal Investigators are Dr. Robert Hogg, Simon Fraser University and Dr. David Moore, University of British Columbia. The research features the formation of a cohort of Vancouver MSM who returns to the study’s downtown Vancouver office every 6 months to complete a behavioral survey and biological tests for HIV/STIs.

Canadian HIV Women and Reproductive Health Cohort Study, a Canadian Observational Cohort (CANOC) Affiliated Study

With CIHR funding, this is a longitudinal study of Canadian HIV+ women recruited from previous cohorts in Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia.

Principal Investigators are Dr. Mona Loutfy, University of Toronto, Dr. Angela Kaida, Simon Fraser University and Dr. Robert Hogg, also of SFU. Overall the project is concerned with identifying barriers and pathways to health services.

My role is to head a team examining how substance use affects adherence to medication, particularly HAART.

Using the Concept of Positive Deviance to Identify Harm Reduction Strategies Associated with Group Sex Events among Gay and Bisexual Men in Vancouver's Momentum Health Study

I am the Principal Investigator on this CIHR Operating Grant, which is a part of the larger Momentum Men’s Health Study, and has community researchers from the Health Initiative for Men and BC Positive Living Society. The goal of this project is to understand gay/bisexual men’s group sex events as cultural and epidemiological factors in HIV/STI transmission, and to assess indigenous, or emic, harm reduction practices occurring at these venues, which may be bath houses, private parties, or bars.

Selected publications


  • 2005 - (Elliot Fratkin & Eric Roth. 2005. As Pastoralists Settle: Social, Health, and Economic Consequences of the Pastoral Sedentarization in Marsabit District, Kenya. Springer-Verlag: New York.
  • 2004 - Culture, Biology and Anthropological Demography. Cambridge University Press: New York.

Articles and chapters: Inequality, Culture and Health

  • 2018 - Roth EA, Cui Z, Rich A, Lachowsky N, Sereda P, Card KG, Jollimore J, Howard T, Armstrong H, Moore D, Hogg R. Seroadaptive Strategies of Vancouver Gay and Bisexual Men in a Treatment as Prevention Environment. Journal of homosexuality. 2018 Mar 21;65(4):524-39.

  • 2018 - Card, K.G., Armstrong, H.L., Lachowsky, N.J., Cui, Z., Sereda, P., Carter, A., Montaner, J.S., Hogg, R.S., Roth, E.A. and Moore, D.M., 2018. Belief in treatment as prevention and its relationship to HIV status and behavioral risk. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes77(1), pp.8-16.

  • 2018 - Card KG, Lachowsky NJ, Cui Z, Carter A, Armstrong H, Shurgold S, Moore D, Hogg RS, Roth EA. A Latent class analysis of seroadaptation among gay and bisexual men. Archives of sexual behavior. 2018 Jan 1;47(1):95-106.

  • 2017 - Lachowsky NJ, Dulai JJ, Cui Z, Sereda P, Rich A, Patterson TL, Corneil TT, Montaner JS, Roth EA, Hogg RS, Moore DM. Lifetime Doctor-Diagnosed Mental Health Conditions and Current Substance Use Among Gay and Bisexual Men Living in Vancouver, Canada. Substance use & misuse. 2017 May 12;52(6):785-97.

  • 2017 - Carter A, Lachowsky N, Forrest JI, Cui Z, Sereda P, Kaida A, Armstrong HL, Card KG, Montaner JS, Moore D, Roth EA. A latent class analysis of sexual and romantic relationships among HIV-positive and HIV-negative gay and bisexual men in Vancouver.The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. 2017 Aug;26(2):78-96.

  • 2017 - Klassen BJ, Lachowsky NJ, Lin SY, Edward JB, Chown SA, Hogg RS, Moore DM, Roth EA. Gay Men’s Understanding and Education of New HIV Prevention Technologies in Vancouver, Canada. Qualitative health research. 2017 Oct;27(12):1775-91.

  • 2017 - Shariati H, Armstrong HL, Cui Z, Lachowsky NJ, Zhu J, Anand P, Roth EA, Hogg RS, Oudman G, Tonella C, Moore DM. Changes in smoking status among a longitudinal cohort of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Vancouver, Canada. Drug & Alcohol Dependence. 2017 Oct 1;179:370-8.

  • 2017 - Roth EA, Benoit C, Jansson M, Hallsgrimdottir H. Public drinking venues as risk environments: commercial sex, alcohol and violence in a large informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya. Human ecology. 2017 Apr 1;45(2):277-83.

  • 2017 - Carter A, Roth EA, Ding E, Milloy MJ, Kestler M, Jabbari S, Webster K, de Pokomandy A, Loutfy M, Kaida A, Behalf of the CHIWOS Research Team. Substance use, violence, and antiretroviral adherence: a latent class analysis of women living with hiv in Canada. AIDS and behavior. 2017 Jul 21:1-5.

  • 2017 - Roth EA, Cui Z, Rich A, Lachowsky N, Sereda P, Card K, Moore D, Hogg R. Repeated Measures Analysis of Alcohol Patterns Among Gay and Bisexual Men in the Momentum Health Study. Substance use & misuse. 2017 Nov 24:1-2.
  • 2016 - Card KG, Lachowsky NJ, Cui Z, Sereda P, Rich A, Jollimore J, Howard T, Birch R, Carter A, Montaner J, Moore D. Roth, E. and R. Hogg. 2016. Seroadaptive Strategies of Gay & Bisexual Men (GBM) with the Highest Quartile Number of Sexual Partners in Vancouver, Canada. AIDS and Behavior. August 27:1-5.
  • 2016 - Moore DM, Cui Z, Lachowsky N, Raymond HF, Roth E, Rich A, Sereda P, Howard T, McFarland W, Lal A, Montaner J.. HIV Community Viral Load and Factors Associated With Elevated Viremia Among a Community-Based Sample of Men Who Have Sex With Men in Vancouver, Canada. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 72(1):87-95.

  • 2016 - Lachowsky NJ, Lin SY, Hull MW, Cui Z, Sereda P, Jollimore J, Rich A, Montaner JS, Roth EA, Hogg RS, Moore DM.  Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Awareness Among Gay and Other Men who have Sex with Men in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. AIDS and Behavior, 16:1-5.

  • 2016 - Lin, S.Y., Lachowsky, N.J., Hull, M., Rich, A., Cui, Z., Sereda, P., Jollimore, J., Stephenson, K., Thumath, M., Montaner, J.S.G. and Roth, E.A. Awareness and use of non-occupational post‐exposure prophylaxis among men who have sex with men in Vancouver, Canada. HIV Medicine, 17(9), 662-673.

  • 2016 - Forrest JI, Lachowsky NJ, Lal A, Cui Z, Sereda P, Raymond HF, Ogilvie G, Roth EA, Moore D, Hogg RS. Factors Associated with Productive Recruiting in a Respondent-Driven Sample of Men who Have Sex with Men in Vancouver, Canada. Journal of Urban Health, 93(2):379-87.
  • 2016 - Lachowsky NJ, Lal A, Forrest JI, Card KG, Cui Z, Sereda P, Rich A, Raymond HF, Roth EA, Moore DM, Hogg RS. 2016. Including Online-Recruited Seeds: A Respondent-Driven Sample of Men Who Have Sex With Men. Journal of Medical Internet Research. March; 18(3)

  • 2016 - Rich AJ, Lachowsky NJ, Cui Z, Sereda P, Lal A, Moore DM, Hogg RS, Roth EA. Event-Level Analysis of Anal Sex Roles and Sex Drug Use Among Gay and Bisexual Men in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44:389–397

  • 2016 - Carter A, Lachowsky N, Rich A, Forrest JI, Sereda P, Cui Z, Roth E, Kaida A, Moore D, Montaner JS, Hogg RS. Gay and bisexual men's awareness and knowledge of treatment as prevention: findings from the Momentum Health Study in Vancouver, Canada. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 18(4):361-76.

  • 2016 - Rich, A.J., Lachowsky, N.J., Cui, Z., Sereda, P., Lal, A., Birch, R., Montaner, J., Moore, D., Hogg, R.S. and Roth, E.A.. Substance use, sexual behaviour and prevention strategies of Vancouver gay and bisexual men who recently attended group sex events. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 18(4):361-76.
  • 2016 - Ashleigh J. Rich, Nathan J. Lachowsky, Zishan Cui, Paul Sereda, Allan Lal, David M. Moore, Robert S. Hogg and Eric A. Roth. Event-Level Analysis of Anal Sex Roles and Sex Drug Use Among Gay and Bisexual Men in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.  Archives of Sexual Behavior 44 no. 7. DOI 10.1007/s10508-015-0607-0.

  • 2016 - K Closson, N J Lachowsky, Z Cui, S Shurgold, P Sereda, A Rich, D M Moore, E A Roth, R S Hogg. Does age matter? Sexual event-level analysis of age-disparate sexual partners among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBM) in Vancouver, Canada. Sex Transm Infect. November 17, 2016.
  • 2014 - Roth, Eric Abella, Elizabeth Ngugi, Cecilia Benoit, Mikael Jansson, and Helga Hallgrimsdottir. "A Reasoned Action Model of Male Client Involvement in Commercial Sex Work in Kibera, A Large Informal Settlement in Nairobi, Kenya." Human Organization 73, no. 2: 174-182.
  • 2014 - Martin, Gina, Scott Macdonald, Basia Pakula, and Eric A. Roth. "A comparison of motivations for use among users of crack cocaine and cocaine powder in a sample of simultaneous cocaine and alcohol users." Addictive behaviors 39, no. 3: 699-702.
  • 2014 - Forrest, Jamie I., Benjamin Stevenson, Ashleigh Rich, Warren Michelow, Jayaram Pai, Jody Jollimore, H. Fisher Raymond, David Moore, Robert S. Hogg, and Eric A. Roth. "Community mapping and respondent-driven sampling of gay and bisexual men's communities in Vancouver, Canada." Culture, health & sexuality 16, no. 3: 288-301.
  • 2013 - Benoit, Cecilia, Eric Roth, Helga Hallgrimsdottir, Mikael Jansson, Elizabeth Ngugi, and Kimberly Sharpe. "Benefits and constraints of intimate partnerships for HIV positive sex workers in Kibera, Kenya." International journal for equity in health 12, no. 1: 76.
  • 2013 - O'Brien, Nadia, Alexis K. Palmer, Wendy Zhang, Warren Michelow, Anya Shen, Eric Roth, Chelsey L. Rhodes, Kate A. Salters, Julio SG Montaner, and Robert S. Hogg. "Social–structural factors associated with supportive service use among a cohort of HIV-positive individuals on antiretroviral therapy." AIDS care 25, no. 8: 937-947.
  • 2013 - Chow, Clifton, Kate Vallance, Tim Stockwell, Scott Macdonald, Gina Martin, Andrew Ivsins, David C. Marsh, Warren Michelow, Eric Roth, and Cameron Duff. "Sexual identity and drug use harm among high-risk, active substance users." Culture, health & sexuality 15, no. 3: 311-326.
  • 2013 - Ivsins, Andrew, Eric Roth, Cecilia Benoit, and Benedikt Fischer. "Crack pipe sharing in context: How sociostructural factors shape risk practices among noninjection drug users." Contemporary Drug Problems 40, no. 4.

Articles and chapters: Evolution and Ecology

  • 2012 - Fujita M, E., Roth EA, Y. Lo, C. Hurst, J. Vollner, and A. Kendell. 2012a. Low serum vitamin A mothers breastfeed daughters more often than sons in drought-ridden northern Kenya: A test of the Trivers-Willard hypothesis. Evolution and Human Behavior, 33(4): 357-364.

  • 2012 - Fujita M, E., Roth E., Y. Lo, C. Hurst, J. Vollner, and A. Kendell. 2012b.  In poor families, mothers' milk is richer for daughters than sons: A test of Trivers–Willard hypothesis in agropastoral settlements in Northern Kenya. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Published on-line: 24 MAY 2012 DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.22092.

Articles and chapters: Visual Anthropology and Materiality

  • 2014 - Forrest, Jamie I., Benjamin Stevenson, Ashleigh Rich, Warren Michelow, Jayaram Pai, Jody Jollimore, H. Fisher Raymond, David Moore, Robert S. Hogg, and Eric A. Roth.  Community mapping and respondent-driven sampling of gay and bisexual men's communities in Vancouver, Canada. Culture, Health & Sexuality 16, no. 3: 288-301.