Children's programs

Kids' Safety Day

CSEC provides an annual safety fair on campus for all campus community children.
We coordinate a Child Identification Clinic that offers finger printing and numerous safety tips.
This is a very successful initiative with approximatly 100 children participating in the activities each year.
A kid's bicycle rodeo is a very popular event that tests bike skills on a circuit. Watch for upcoming details for the next UVic's Kid's Safety Day in June 2012.

Halloween Bonfire

The PSC coordinates a bonfire and hotdog roast for all children from UVic Family Housing. The children are given a goodie bag full of tips on how to stay safe on Halloween and treats of course!

Santa & Mrs. Santa Party

Held at UVic Childcare, The Personal Safety Coordinator and another CSEC member dress up and attend a party for kids on campus.  Gifts are given out while sitting on Santa's lap and Christmas carols are sung.