PACACH's Ashley Mollison named Vanier Canada Graduate Scholar

A woman standing in front of greenery looks directly into the camera
Ashley Mollison. Photo: UVic Photo Services

PACACH's Ashley Mollison is one of four UVic researchers named Vanier Canada Graduate Scholars in an annual competition announced by the Government of Canada. Vanier scholars, who receive $50,000 funding each year for three years, demonstrate leadership skills and a high standard of scholarly achievement in graduate studies. The scholarships are earmarked for social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and/or engineering and health.

Ashley Mollison, a PhD student with UVic’s interdisciplinary Social Dimensions of Health program, researches inequities people face when accessing health care. Her findings are further supported by what she has seen, experienced and learned firsthand through more than 10 years of full-on activism.

As coordinator for Equity in Palliative Approaches to Care—the ePAC project—Mollison is guided by Kelli Stajduhar, nursing professor and researcher with UVic’s Institute of Aging and Lifelong Health. She oversees research involving local-to-global partners working to improve access to care for those dying while living without homes, in poverty, isolated and stigmatized. 

Read the full story on UVic News.

Mollison is the second PACACH student to be awarded a Vanier scholarship in two years; Reanne Booker received a 2019 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship.