Centre for Indigenous Research & Community-Led Engagement

Dedicated to expanding wellbeing by building on strengths of Indigenous peoples


Learning, listening and nourishing a community that values Indigenous knowledge, wisdom and teachings is central to our mission. 

We recently conducted a visioning consultation with Indigenous students, faculty and staff, which identified eight core elements:

  • Indigenous-led – uphold Indigenous self-determination
  • Connecting – provide frequent opportunities for Indigenous students and faculty to gather
  • Partnering – provide tangible benefits and be deeply connected to Indigenous communities with a focus on local First Nations
  • Belonging – provide a safe, accessible and adaptable space that is Indigenized throughout
  • Growing – continue to grow in resourcing, impact and offerings
  • Contributing – support expansive thinking in the field of Indigenous research and community-led engagement
  • Mentoring – support students and faculty at every stage of their journey
  • Affirming – honour, support and uplift Indigenous scholars

We are committed to bringing this vision to life and grounding the work of our centre in the voices of our Indigenous students and scholars. As we gather support for CIRCLE’s next chapter and search for a new Director, we will be pausing some of our events and activities.

Fraser Hof
Associate Vice-President, Research and Innovation


We respectfully acknowledge the history, customs and culture of the Lekwungen and WSÁNEC Nations on whose traditional lands our centre is housed.

Joan Morrison sharing her wisdom

Joan Morrison sharing her wisdom

Peruzzo giving a presentation on Indigenous photo-voice

Peruzzo giving a presentation on Indigenous photo-voice

Lorna Williams speaking to the role of education in the TRC Calls to Action

Lorna Williams speaking to the role of education in the TRC Calls to Action

CIRCLE Gathering at Songhees Wellness Centre

CIRCLE Gathering at Songhees Wellness Centre

CIRCLE Gathering with Mary Vickers and the delicious lunches provided

CIRCLE Gathering with Mary Vickers and the delicious lunches provided