My 20 years in UVic’s Speakers Bureau

- Lara Lauzon

As a long-time UVic student and current faculty member, I am excited to participate in the ongoing celebrations that have been planned for UVic’s 50th Anniversary. I am also delighted to help celebrate the 30-year anniversary of the UVic Speakers Bureau. The bureau is a community service provided by volunteer speakers from among UVic faculty, staff, graduate students and retirees who teach, conduct research, study and work at UVic. I have come to discover that this is the only university-wide bureau of its kind in Canada.

My participation with the bureau began in 1992 as I was completing a master’s degree in the School of Physical Education (now the School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education). A new initiative for graduate students that began as a vision of Dr. Gordana Lazaravich, dean of Graduate Studies from 1992 to 2002, and a partnership with the UVic Speakers Bureau was getting under way. Lazaravich invited graduate students to join the bureau as a way to share their knowledge and research with members of our community. Thinking back, I imagine that she might have had a hidden agenda—that of finding a way to help the graduate students prepare for their oral examinations and enhancing the connection between UVic and the Greater Victoria community all at the same time. My participation with the bureau has had a major impact on my academic and professional career.

One of my first talks was to members of the Corporation of the District of Saanich Health and Safety Committee. The topic: Employee Health. I did spend an inordinate amount of time preparing overheads, recipe-card presenter notes and a handout for a 45-minute session. My presentation skills also needed some polish. However, the audience was attentive, interested and excited about using some of the strategies I offered to help them “work well.” The participants also commented on how the UVic Speakers Bureau was providing such an important community service.

Throughout October of this year I will be sharing my thoughts on health, wellness and potential with employees at the Pacific Forestry Centre, the Geological Survey of Canada Centre and a group of soon-to-be retirees at the Department of National Defence (DND). Being a member of the UVic Speakers Bureau has allowed me to grow and develop as a public speaker. It has afforded me an opportunity to represent the University of Victoria and promote active living throughout Greater Victoria and Southern Vancouver Island.  

When colleagues or graduate students ask me why I continue to present sessions on behalf of the UVic Speakers Bureau, I tell them that I value the opportunity to connect with people from so many organizations. I also tell them that I have discovered so many different places in Greater Victoria that I truly did not know existed. I share stories of helping participants of the Rod and Reel Club learn how to stretch after a long day of fishing. I express my gratitude for the thanks I received from the young mom’s group at the Boys and Girls Club after a session about family wellness. I speak about the joy shared by members of the First Metropolitan Friendship Club who attended a session titled Taking Risks and Coping With Change. I talk about the power of health and wellness education and how one retiree group now begins their monthly meetings with a short walk. They also serve healthy snack food in addition to the sugary sweets they were accustomed to.

The four key areas of the UVic Strategic Plan are People, Quality, Community and Resources. As a UVic Speakers Bureau member, I have the privilege to represent UVic, share stories about health and wellness research and celebrate the amazing students I meet and teach each year. Being a member of the UVic Speakers Bureau helps me support all four key areas of our strategic plan.

Join in on the 30th anniversary celebration of the UVic Speakers Bureau by checking out the website and booking a session for your department, school or unit. Or consider signing up with the bureau as a speaker and share your expertise, enthusiasm and knowledge with your community.


Dr. Lara Lauzon is an assistant professor in the School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education. Her teaching and research focus on student, teacher and workplace health and wellness.


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Keywords: UVic Speakers Bureau, anniversary

People: Lara Lauzon

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