Campus cycling plan process wraps up with open house

Bikes are a central part of campus life. Photo: UVic Photo Services.

Following a year of consultation, the university’s inaugural Campus Cycling Plan is rolling to the finish line. Faculty, staff and students are invited to an open house in the University Centre lobby on Oct. 10 from 11 a.m.–2 p.m. to provide feedback before the plan is presented to the Campus Planning Committee and President for approval later this fall.

“The goal of the plan is to create a campus where students, staff, faculty and visitors can safely ride their bikes no matter where they are headed on campus,” says Mike Wilson, director of campus planning and sustainability. “It will also help us achieve the direction of the Campus Plan and Sustainability Action Plan to shift the way people get to and from campus, so that at least 70 per cent of commuters walk, cycle or use transit rather than single-occupancy vehicles.”

The draft plan focuses on four key strategies for improving safety and convenience for cycling on campus, while also considering pedestrian safety. The first strategy recommends the adoption of a reverse-priority pyramid as a tool to guide design and decision making in capital projects. The pyramid considers the needs and safety of road users, giving priority to pedestrians and cyclists—the most vulnerable users—while ensuring that travel modes function effectively together as a system.

The second major strategy is a shared-space approach that promotes active transportation etiquette and awareness inside Ring Road. While most pathways within Ring Road already function as shared space for pedestrians, cyclists and slow-moving vehicles, the plan recommends improvements to signage, education and outreach, along with speed mitigation in key areas. Outside Ring Road, the plan proposes a separation of bicycle pathways and roadways on approaches to campus.

The plan’s third key strategy is the development of a separated All Ages and Abilities campus cycling network. In the short term, it calls for two-way cycling paths on the inside of Ring Road from University Drive to the Bob Wright Building, and from McGill Road to the Student Union Building.

“The plan takes a staged approach to implementing the cycling network upgrades and shared space policy, with short, medium and long-term directions,” says Wilson. “We will be coming back to consult with the campus community as we move into the detailed design phase for these improvements.”

The final proposed strategy is an enhancement of end-of-trip facilities for cyclists—including bike parking, storage and showers—in areas of campus where facilities could be added or improved.

For more information, visit the Campus Planning and Sustainability website. Feedback is welcome at .


In this story

Keywords: sustainability, staff, administrative, transportation

Publication: The Ring

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