Remote work arrangements extended and new technologies available

The provincial health officer has recently strengthened physical distancing guidelines; they are now a legal requirement. While the university remains open, all teaching and most services are now delivered remotely.

At this time, it is clear that the university’s remote working arrangements will need to continue at least through the month of April, if not May. Updates will be provided as they are available.

Building access

Though most UVic employees are expected to be working remotely at this time, we acknowledge that there may be occasions where faculty, librarians and staff need to access their offices for short intervals. Faculty, librarians and staff may access such spaces for brief periods provided physical distancing protocols are observed. Please note that for security reasons, all campus buildings can only be accessed with a key. 

New technologies and resources

To help teams deliver services remotely to our community in this extraordinary environment, the university is continuously adding new technologies and resources. The following resources may be helpful to you:

The Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP) is also available to support UVic employees and their families during these challenging times.

Thank you again to all faculty, librarians and staff for all that you are doing in support of these extraordinary public health measures and our campus community.

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