The World We Want – ADMN 200 class event

The World We Want – ADMN 200 International Community Development
Art / Video Installations / Live Music
Class Project - Through Activism and Capacity Building

Time/date: 7 pm, Wednesday March 30, 2016
Location: Victoria City Hall, Antechamber
By donation, with funds going to the Intercultural Association to assist refugees.

This term, students enrolled in ADMN 200 have been working on projects involving the refugee program of the Victoria Intercultural Association. The course instructor, Dr. Budd Hall, on behalf of the class, invites you to attend this event to celebrate the students’ learning as they present their class project. See you there!

In Appreciation
Thank you to staff at Victoria City Hall for your cooperation in supporting this event. A special thanks to the Victoria Intercultural Association whose work with our students has enriched their learning about community development.