Deadline Extended: Call for Abstracts - CANSEE’s upcoming Ecological Economics Academy “Inclusive Futures”

The Canadian Society for Ecological Economics is hosting its third biennial ‘EE Academy’ student symposium on May 27-28. The EE Academy offers emerging scholars with the opportunity to gather meaningful feedback and mentorship on their research, from thought leaders in their respective fields.

This year’s theme is "Inclusive Futures". We encourage submissions on 1) sustainable economic recovery, 2) inclusive circular economies, 3) nature-based solutions and ecosystem services, and 4) just low carbon transitions.

As a transdisciplinary school of thought, CANSEE strongly encourages submissions from masters, doctoral, and postdoctoral researchers beyond the conventional bounds of ecological economics. Through a competitive submission process, select students will receive a comprehensive and personalized review of their research from senior scholars and industry practitioners.

Submission deadline extended to February 28. Please visit for more details.