Jochen Moehr

Jochen  Moehr
Professor Emeritus
Health Information Science

Staatsexamen Medizin, Dr. med. (M.D., Marburg, Fed. Rep. Germany), Habilitation fuer Medizinische Informatik (PhD, Hannover Med. School, Fed. Rep. Germany)


Dr. Jochen Moehr received his medical education in Marburg, Germany and Montpellier, France, and obtained his Dr. med. (MD) with a dissertation in clinical chemistry in 1965. After research and clinical work in the USA and Germany, he obtained his Habilitation (PhD) in Medical Informatics in 1976.

As professor at the University of Heidelberg and Director of the Division of Medical Informatics, he directed the development of a hospital information system for the University's large hospital complex and research and teaching facilities. He has also conducted research on the use of computers in medical practices, pharmacies, and other environments since the early seventies. His educational responsibilities included the direction of a specialized curriculum in health informatics in the early formative stages, and teaching of medical students, nurses and laboratory technicians in health informatics.

In 1986, Dr. Moehr joined the School of Health Information Science of the University of Victoria. Here he conducted research on the integration of heterogeneous information systems, medical concept representation and analysis, privacy protection and security and information system evaluation in such areas as evidence-based practice, and telehealth.

In 2005, Dr. Moehr retired from active university service. Since then he continued to mentor several graduate students and conducted an international working conference of the Working Group Security in Health Information Systems (SiHIS) of the International Medical Informatics Association, the proceedings of which are appearing in print at the time of this writing.

Health care information systems, in particular

  • Decision Support Systems
  • Factual Information Systems
  • Hospital Information Systems
  • Doctor's Office Information Systems
  • Distributed Information Systems

Systems engineering in health care information systems

  • Evaluation of Information Needs
  • Design- and Construction Principles
  • Information System Evaluation

Didactics of medical informatics (health information science), in particular with respect to education of

  • Specialists in Medical Informatics (Health Information Science)
  • Medical Students, other Health Care Professionals.
  • Introduction to Health Informatics II (HINF 171)
  • Medical Methodology (HINF 270)
  • Patient Care Support Systems (HINF 415)
  • Health Care Quality Improvement (HINF 460)

Appointments (1990 to present)

HEALNet (Health Evidence Application and Linkage Network)
Since 1998 Leader, Informatics Tools Collaboration, Member, Educational Opportunities Committee Management Committee, Chair, AGM 1999
1995-98 Theme Leader, Health Informatics Theme Member, Education and Knowledge Transfer Committee Member, Communications Committee Exofficio Member, Management Committee
Canadian Association for Advancement of Computers in Health, COACH
Since 1986 Member
1996 - 97 Past Chair, Scientific Academic and Research Special Interest Group of COACH
1994 - 96 Chair, Scientific, Academic and Research Special Interest Group
1991 - 94 Acting Chair, Scientific, Academic and Research Special Interest Group
1993 Representative, IMIA WG 4 (Privacy, Confidentiality, Security)
1988 - 91 Representative, IMIA WG 10 (Hospital Information Systems)
International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) (not a personal membership organization)
1995 - 97 Member, International Scientific Program Committee, IMIA Working Group 4 "Privacy and Security", Nov. 22-25, 1997, Osaka/Kobe, Japan.
1989 - 92 Vicechair, International Scientific Program Committee, Seventh World Congress for Medical Informatics, Medinfo '92, Geneva, Switzerland.

Consulting Activities

  • 1996/97 British Columbia Medical Association. Development of a Strategic Communicatons Plan.

Organizing/leading workshops or conferences

  • Workshop Coordinator (With L. Lemieux-Charles and B. Haynes) Workshop 2: Development of decision support tools for the health system that incorporate strategies to improve access and use of research information appropriate to various levels of decision-making. Victoria, Jan. 16&17, 1998.
  • Chair, Working Session A4: Promoting a Security Culture: IMIA Working Group 4 "Privacy and Security", Working Conference: Common Security Solutions for Communicating Pateint Data. Osaka/Kobe, Japan, Nov. 22-25, 1997.
  • Rapporteur, Working Session A1: The Electronic Patient Record: The Management of Access. IMIA Working Group 4 "Privacy and Security", Working Conference: Common Security Solutions for Communicating Pateint Data. Osaka/Kobe, Japan, Nov. 22-25, 1997.
  • Chair, Session 4: Promoting a Security Culture: IMIA Working Group 4 "Privacy and Security", Working Conference: Common Security Solutions for Communicating Pateint Data. Osaka/Kobe, Japan, Nov. 22-25, 1997.
  • Chair, Session 4, "Keeping People out of Hospital", HEALNet Annual General Meeting, Toronto, Nov. 15, 1992.
  • HEALNet Panel: Issues for Classification and Coding in Clinical Documentation in Canada. COACH Conference22, Vancouver, Canada, April 15, 1997.
  • HEALNet Health Informatics Theme Meeting: Dunsmuir Lodge, Victoria, April 11- 13, 1997.
  • HEALNet Health Informatics Theme Meeting: Institute for Work and Health, Toronto, Ontario, March 29 and 30, 1996.
  • Medinfo'95 Work Shop: Advanced Patient Records and Medical Concept Representation. Medinfo '95, Vancouver, July 26, 1995.
  • Sarsig Poster Session, Westin Bayshore, Vancouver, July 23, 1995.
  • Session "Advances in Canadian Medical Informatics" at the conference "Towards the Electronic Patient Record" of the Medical Records Institute, Orlando, Florida, March 18, 1995.
  • SARSIG of COACH meeting at SCAMC, Sheraton Washington, D.C., Nov. 7, 1994.
  • Participant in SCAMC Panel (Organizer: K. Moidu, Yale Univ.): Informatics in Health Education and Education in Health Informatics: An Investment in People. (For Whom, What and How?) Eigteenth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. Washington, D.C., Nov. 8, 1994.
  • Inaugural Session of SARSIG of COACH: Scientific Session, Panel Discussion April 23, 1994; Business Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., April 24, 1994.
  • Computer Networking in Community Health. Pre-Conference Workshop during ITCH 92, Building Partnerships in Community Health Through Applied Technology, Victoria Conference Centre, October 18 to 21, 1992.
  • Information Exchange: Computers in Medical Practice II, A Conference for physicians sponsored by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Region 2 Advisory Committee and Continuing Medical Education, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, April 2-3, 1992.
  • Paper and Panel Discussion Computers in Medical Practice II, A Conference for Physicians, Organizer/Chair, Session on Coding Systems for Cards, on May 26, 1992, During the Fourth Global Congress on Patient Cards, and Computerization of Health Records, Cards, Data Bases and Medical Communication, Berlin, June 25 to 28, 1992.
  • 1991 to 1992 member, Program Committee, Fourth Global Conference on Patient Cards and the Computerization of Health Records, Berlin, May 25 - 28, 1992.
  • 12th Annual Medically Related Research Colloquium, University of Victoria, March 22, 1990.
  • Panel Discussion Computer Based Communication among Health Care Professionals at CIPS Congress 1991, Victoria Conference Centre, Victoria, May 16, 1991.
  • 11th Annual Medically Related Research Colloquium, University of Victoria, March 23, 1989.
  • 10th Annual Medically Related Research Colloquium, University of Victoria, March 24, 1988.
  • Interactive Video in the Classroom. Presentation by Tom Nowak, BCIT, University of Victoria, July 16, 1990.
  • Computer Networking in Community Health Pre-Conference Workshop during ITCH 90, Improving Community Health Through Applied Technology., University of Victoria, Sept. 30, 1990.
  • Consultation concerning the feasability of a Centre for Health Applications and Software Evaluation. World Health Organization, Geneva, Division of Information Systems Support, Nov 28 and 29, 1990.

Articles published in refereed journals

  • Moehr, J.R.: Commentary on P.L. Reichertz et al.: Evaluation of a Field Test of Computers for the Doctor's Office. An Epilogue. Yearbook of Medical Informatics '99. (Submitted)
  • Moehr, J.R., Patel, V.L., Browman, G. (ed.): Special Issue: HEALNet, a Canadian Health Informatics Collaboration. Journ. Med. Inform. 51 (1998) 69-70.
  • Moehr, J.R., Patel, V.L., Browman, G.: Preface: Health Informatics in Support of Evidence-based Practice: The first 2 Years of the Canadian HEALNet Experience. Journ. Med. Inform. 51 (1998) 69-228.
  • Kagolovsky, Y., Freese, D., Walrod, T., Moehr, J.R.: Towards Improved Information Retrieval from Medical Sources. Internatl. Journ. Med. Inform. 51, 1998, 181-195.
  • Kluge, E.H.-W., Scaletta, G. L., Moehr, J.R.: Macro Allocation in Health: An Ethically Based Model. Internatl. Journ. Med. Inform. 51, 1998, 205-213.
  • Goel, V., Moehr, J.R., Browman, G.: The Role of Group Support Technology in Developing the HEALNet Research Agenda. Internatl. Journ. Med. Inform. 51, 1998, 215-219.
  • Moehr, J.R., McDaniel, J.G.: Adoption of Security and Confidentiality Features in an Operational Community Health Information Network: The Comox Valley Experience. Int. Journ. Medical Informatics 49 (1998) 81-87.
  • Moehr, J.R.: Informatics in the Service of Health: A Look to the Future. Meth. Inform. Med. 37, 1998, 165-170.
  • Moehr, J.R.: Grand Challenges in Health Informatics: An Information Systems Perspective. Commentary on Haux: Aims and Tasks of Medical Infomatics. Internatl. Journ. Medical Informatics, 44, 1997, 27-37.
  • Moehr, J.R.: Organizational Models: From Institutional to Supra-National Responsibility for Health Information Systems. Internatl. Journ. Biomed. Comp., 39, 1995, 25-30.
  • Haux, R., Leven, F.J., Moehr, J.R., Protti, D.J.: Health and Medical Informatics Education. Meth. Inform. Med., 33, 1994, 246-249.
  • Moehr, J.R.: Health Informatics - A Scientific Challenge? Meth. Inform. Med., 33, 1994, 250-253.
  • McDaniel, J.G., Moehr, J.R., Muller, H.A.: Implementing a Wide Area Telecommunication Network for Health Care Providers. Canadian Medical Informatics, 1, 1994, 40-41.
  • Moehr, J.R.: Privacy and Security Requirements of Distributed Computer Based Patient Records. Internatl. Journ. Biomed. Comp., 35 (Suppl. 1), 1994, 57-64.
  • Moehr, J. R., Blum, B. I.: EDITORIAL: Software Engineering in Health Informatics, Meth. Inform. Med., 30, 1991, 165-166.

Books (includes edited books)

  • Moehr, J.R., Lau, F. (eds.), Coach Scientific Conference Proceedings, (Edmonton, 1996).
  • Haux, R., Leven, F.J., Moehr, J.R., Protti, D.J.: Health and Medical Informatics Education. Special Issue of Meth. Inform. Med., (Schattauer, Stuttgart, 1994).

Papers published in refereed conference proceedings

  • Moehr, J.R.: A Quantitative Perspective on the Virtual Patient Record (VPR) and its Realization. In Cesnik, B., A.T. McCray, J.-R. Scherrer, (eds.) MedInfo '98 Proceedings (Amsterdam, Berlin, Oxford, Tokyo, Washington DC: IOS Press, 1998) 21- 25.
  • Kagolovsky, Y. and Moehr, J.R.: A Structured Model for Evaluation of Information Retrieval (IR). In Cesnik, B., A.T. McCray, J.-R. Scherrer, (eds.) MedInfo '98 Proceedings (Amsterdam, Berlin, Oxford, Tokyo, Washington DC: IOS Press, 1998) 171 - 175.
  • Moehr, J.R., Kagolovsky, Y.: Integrated Health Information Systems, Quality of Care and Indexing. Fisher, P. (ed.): COACH Conference 22. Scientific Program Proceedings (HC&CC, Edmonton, 1997) 87-96.
  • Kagolovsky, Y., Miller, M., Moehr, J.R.: Statistical Concept Representation for Indexing of Clinical Narratives. In Fisher, P. (ed.): COACH Conference 22. Scientific Program Proceedings (HC&CC, Edmonton, 1997) 118-126.
  • Bigsby, D. J. and Moehr, J. R.: Internet for Teaching and Learning Introductory Health Informatics. In Gardner, R. M. (eds): Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, Journal of the American Informatics Association, Symposium Supplement (New Orleans, 1995) 532-536.
  • Moehr, J. R.: Comprehensive Health Records Based on Advanced Card Technology and Networked Computers: Are They Feasible? In Köhler, C. O. (ed.) : Health Cards '95 Proceedings (IOS Press: Frankfurt, 1995) 158-161.
  • McDaniel, J. G., Moehr, J.R., and Müller, H.A.: Impediments to Wide Area Networking in Health Care. In Greenes, R. A. et al. (eds): Medinfo '95 Proceedings (IMIA/HC&CC, Edmonton, 1995) 1491-95.
  • Moehr, J.R., Kluge, E.H.W., Patel, V.L.: Advanced Patient Information Systems And Medical Concept Representation. In Greenes, R. A. et al. (eds): Medinfo '95 Proceedings (IMIA/HC&CC, Edmonton, 1995) 95-99.
  • Moehr, J. R., McDaniel J. G., and Müller H. A.: Development of a Wide Area Network for Health - An Exercise in System Evaluation. In Fisher, P. (ed.) ITCH'94: Changing Opportunities. Proceedings, (University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C. 1994) 1.2-1.7.
  • McDaniel, J. G., Moehr J. R. and Mueller H. A.: Health Link - A Pragmatic Approach to Wide Area Telemedicine in Canada. In Lun, K.C. et al. (eds.): Medinfo '92 Proceedings (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1992) 78-83.
  • Moehr, J.R., McDaniel, J.G., Lezotte, D. and Muller, H.A.: Comprehensive Health Records Based on Networked Computers and Advanced Card Technology. In Scott, L.R. (ed.) ITCH '92: Building Partnerships in Community Health Through Applied Technology. Proceedings, (University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C. 1992) 76-80.
  • Mueller, H.A., McDaniel J.G., Moehr J.R.: Improved Maintenance of Health Information Systems through Reverse Engineering Technologies. In Lun, K.C. et al. (eds.): Medinfo '92 Proceedings (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1992) 9-13.
  • Moehr, J.R., McDaniel, J.G., Lezotte, D. and Mueller, H.A.: Advanced Card Technology for an Open Health Record System. In Lun, K.C. et al. (eds.): Medinfo '92 Proceedings (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1992) 710-715.
  • Moehr, J.R., Protti, D. J.: Medical Informatics and Education: Progress, Problems, and Priorities. In van Bemmel, J., Zvarova, J. (eds.) Knowledge, Information and Medical Education, Selected Papers from the IMIA International Conference on Medical Informatics and Medical Education, Prague, Czechoslovakia, Sept. 3-7, 1990. (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1991) 3 - 10.
  • Mueller, H.A., Moehr, J.R., McDaniel, J.G.: Applying Software Re-Engineering Techniques to Health Information Systems. In Timmers, T., Blum, B.I.(eds.)Software Engineering in Medical Informatics, (Elsevier Science Publishers (North Holland),Amsterdam, 1991)91-110.
  • McDaniel, J.G., Moehr, J.R., Mueller, H.A.: Computer Technology For Medical Communication. In Duisterhout, J.S., Hasman, A., Salamon, R.(eds.): Telematics in Medicine. Proceedings of the IMIA Working Conference on Telematics in Medicine, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Nov. 18-21, 1990. (North Holland: Amsterdam, 1991) 205 - 221.