Financial Planning and Operations

Associate Vice-President Financial Planning & Operations

AVP Financial Planning & Operations

The associate vice-president financial planning and operations is responsible for the overall planning and coordination of the university's budget and budget planning process.

Budget Office

Budget Office

The budget office forecasts, develops and manages the university's operating budget.



The investments office manages the university's short-term investments.

Pension Services

Pension Services

Pension Services administers benefits for members of the university's pension plans.

Campus Planning & Sustainability

Campus Planning & Sustainability

The Office of Campus Planning and Sustainability works towards shared goals of environmental sustainability.

Risk & Insurance

Risk & Insurance

The risk management and insurance department deals with the university's insurance policies.

Associate vice-president financial planning & operations

The associate vice-president financial planning and operations is responsible for the overall planning and coordination of the university's budget and budget planning process, covering operating and non-operating revenue and expenditures.  The position is also responsible for the operations of pensions and investment services, risk management and insurance, capital and space planning and campus planning and sustainability. Andrew Coward is the associate vice-president financial planning and operations.

To see the departments and people who report directly to the associate vice-president finance and operations, please see the organization chart.

Andrew Coward
Associate Vice-President Financial Planning and Operations

Jenna Glasbergen
Administrative Assistant to the Associate Vice-President Financial Planning and Operations

Kathleen Sobie
Director of Budgets

Mike Wilson
Director, Campus Planning and Sustainability

Randi Topp
Executive Director, Pensions and Plan Governance

Raymond Aoki
Treasurer, Treasury and Risk Management 

Michael Kravec
Director, Financial Accounting and Training