
Vahid Ahsani, Manager of Laboratories, PhD. Tel: 250-721-8893, ELW A214;

Aaron Brice, Scientific Assistant. Tel:250-721-8938, ELW A214;

Patrick Chang, Senior Scientific Assistant. Tel: 250-721-6032, ELW A216;

Ian Fraser, Scientific Assistant. Tel 250-721-7297, ELW A218;

Keri Jones, Graduate Secretary. Tel: 250-721-8921, EOW 548;

Rodney Katz, Senior Scientific Assistant. Tel: 250-721-8667, ELW B111;

Barry Kent, Senior Programmer Analyst. Tel: 250-721-6033, ELW A212;

Sarah Lawrence, Undergraduate Secretary.  Tel: 250-721-8895, EOW 548; 

Christine Rattray, Assistant to the Chair. Tel: 250-721-8900, EOW 548; 

Kavita Sharma, Administrative Officer, Tel: 250-721-8896, EOW 553;