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Authorship Guidelines

The Christie Lab uses the Harvard Medical School guidelines on authorship as a general guideline for determining authorship. Below is an adapted version currently used by the laboratory; the original can be viewed on the Harvard website.

Authorship Guidelines

  1. Everyone who is listed as an author should have made a substantial, direct contribution to the work. This means that they should have contributed to either the experimental conception, design, collection, analysis and/or interpretation of data. Acquisition of funding and/or provision of technical aid or materials, while they may be essential to the work, are not in themselves sufficient contributions to justify authorship. All potential contributors should be aware that the final decision for authorship inclusion/exclusion will be made by Dr. Christie.
  2. Dr. Christie believes that everyone who has made substantial intellectual contributions to a work should be included as an author. Individuals who have acted as participants, or contributed materials, should at least be acknowledged in the body of the text. Dr. Christie also places a high priority on facilitating student authorship and involving students in the publication process.
  3. When research is done by teams, the criteria for authorship inclusion is normally that the individual is responsible for either at least 10% of the total data set or some key aspect of the study.
  4. All authors should participate in writing the manuscript by reviewing drafts and approving the final version.
  5. One author should take primary responsibility for the work as a whole, even if he or she does not have an in-depth understanding of every part of the work. This individual will normally be the first author. Co-authors on multi-author papers may be ranked in order of seniority in the laboratory if differences in contribution are not clear. Otherwise, order of authorship will be determined by the contribution to the work as a whole.
  6. Individuals who feel they should be included as authors must contact Dr. Christie and present their case prior to the publication of any manuscript. This can be done at any stage of the review process, but must occur within the time frame when minor changes to a manuscript can be accommodated by journals.


  1. Research teams should discuss authorship issues frankly early in the course of their work together.
  2. Disputes over authorship should ideally be settled among the authors themselves, however the ultimate decision for authorship and authorship order will lay with Dr. Christie.
  3. These policies will be reviewed periodically to accommodate any changes to the standards in scientific authorship practices.

Recent Publication:Suk Yu Yau, Ang Li, Xin Sun, Christine J. Fontaine, Brian R. Christie and Kwok-Fai So (2016). Potential Biomarkers for Physical Exercise-Induced Brain Health, Role of Biomarkers in Medicine, Prof. Mu Wang (Ed.), InTech,  Available from: