The Vancouver Island Concussion Project

Dr. Christie and his colleagues are conducting studies to understand the recovery process following a mild traumatic brain injury. More commonly referred to as concussion, mild traumatic brain injury and repeat injuries in particular can cause cognitive and behavioural impairment with persistent deficits in memory, attention and processing speed.

However, the lack of objective testing has been a major barrier in successfully detecting concussion. Because symptoms vary so widely from one individual to the next, diagnoses might be delayed and the time a patient takes before returning to sport may not be adequate resulting in a higher risk of re injury. 

There are currently three ongoing studies: 

Visual Perceptual Training in Athletes

Dr. Christie and his colleagues are interested in learning whether computerized performance training can improve athletic performance. Participants will complete ten half-hour training sessions in a seated position.  Up to 40 training sessions may be done if the participant wishes to progress to standing, balancing, and sport-specific modes. Completion of the training will also provide a baseline assessment. 

For more information please contact the project coordinator, Erika Shaw

Email:  / Office: (250)-472-5997

Baseline and Post-Injury Assessment With NeuroTracker

The Christie lab employs NeuroTracker, a computer program that tests a patient's visual and cognitive-perceptual abilities. With NeuroTracker and related neurocognitive tests, the study aims to find sensitive measures to diagnose and test for concussion and potentially determine if programs such as NeuroTracker could be used a rehab tool.

All Vikes athletes are currently required to have a baseline assessment (ie. pre-season, no concussion) and a further assessment if the athelete sustains a concussion. The lab is continually recruiting participants of all ages to assess for both baseline and post-concussion assessments.

For more information please contact the project coordinator, Francesca Bell-Peters

Email:  / Office: (250)-472-5997

Soccer Heading Project

Researchers in the concussion lab are planning a pilot study to determine how repetitive heading in soccer may affect player’s heart rate variability and cognition. We are seeking youth soccer players between the ages of 13-25.  Participants will participate in normal practice drills of heading, catching, and running while wearing heart rate monitors.

For more information please contact the project coordinators Samantha Kennedy and Amanda McQuarrie

Email:  / Office: (250)-472-5997