Event: Building a Knowledge Enterprise for Long Term Care in British Columbia

A close up photo of the face of an elderly person with short white hair and blue eyes. The text "Building a Knowledge Enterprise for Long Term Care in British Columbia" appears in light green writing over a dark green background along the bottom.

Presenter: Dr. Kelli Stajduhar
Moderator: Dr. Miranda Cary
10am PST Monday, May 17
Register via Eventbrite

The BC COVID-19 Strategic Research Advisory Committee (SRAC) was established to serve as a bridge between the Provincial Health Officer, government decision-makers and the BC health research community with regard to COVID-19 research. This presentation will outline findings from the SCRAC’s Long Term Care Working Group. It will highlight why now, more than ever, we need to build capacity for research in the sector if we are to avoid the unintended consequences that were brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and allow us to better prepare for pandemics of the future.

This presentation is part of Five Days in May, Island Health's annual health research showcase.