Caregiver Journey booklet

Your caregiver journey

Making the decision to relocate a parent, spouse or relative from home into a long-term care facility can be one of the most difficult decisions caregivers have to make. This caregiver journey tool  is based on the experiences and insights from family caregivers who have helped a family member make this transition.  It is intended for you to add information and record details to help you in your caregiver journey. This resource emerged from a collaborative research project between researchers at the University of Victoria and the Fraser Health Region.

 Two layouts are available to download:

Your caregiver journey (digital viewing layout)

Your caregiver journey (print at home booklet) – to print the booklet at home, choose the Booklet option from your printing menu)

 If you have any questions, please contact Denise Cloutier at for more information.attachment 2018_Caregiver Brochure_digital presentation_Apr11.