Updated mask requirements for post-secondary institutions

- University of Victoria

All students must now wear a mask at all times in indoor classrooms, and everyone must now wear masks in indoor common areas, including meeting rooms. The new order from the provincial health officer came into effect April 21, in response to an increase in COVID-19 cases and community transmission. Faculty and staff: see the guidance below for updating your safe work plan (SWP) in response to these changes.


Students must wear a mask at all times in a classroom, including when they are seated at a designated seat or workstation. These requirements apply in classrooms, lecture halls, teaching laboratories, computing facilities, art studios, theatre and music facilities, study spaces, research labs and other research facilities. Exceptions to this order include situations such as playing a musical instrument, and consuming food or beverage in a designated area. 

Learn more about UVic's safe work plans

Faculty and staff

Faculty, staff and visitors to campus must wear a mask in indoor common areas at all times, including when seated in a designated seat. Common areas now include meeting rooms, in addition to elevators, lobbies, kitchens, bathrooms, hallways, photocopy rooms, vehicles and other shared work areas.

Masks are not required to be worn by faculty and staff in their own private office, cubicle or classrooms unless required by their unit or research safe work plan.

Daily self-assessment

Student, faculty and staff must do a daily self-assessment for COVID-19 symptoms before coming to campus.

More information about daily health screening

Safe work plans – Addendum April 27, 2021

All units, instructors and researchers should attach the updated SWP Addendum to their existing SWP, share with all individuals on their teams, and re-post a hard-copy in their work or learning area. The information in this Addendum replaces the previous Addendum of February 8, 2021, which addressed the PHO province-wide restrictions, and ensures campus SWPs are reviewed and updated in accordance with WorkSafeBC.

View the April 21 order

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