Resources related to Wet'suwet'en Nation land issues

- University of Victoria

The University of Victoria is committed to fostering respect and reconciliation through relevant programs of research, education and public dialogue and by maintaining an environment that fosters openness and the exploration of divergent views.

We know that members of our UVic community have or may wish to attend events related to Wet’suwet’en Nation land issues and so are providing some resources and guidance to students and instructors.

Information for students

Students who plan on participating in Wet’suwet’en solidarity actions are encouraged to discuss options with their instructors ahead of time to see what, if any, academic concessions or extensions can be made. While we recognize that every member of our community has the right to engage and advocate on important social issues, prolonged absences from class may impact a student’s progress. Instructors are best suited to assess a student’s progress in a course and whether they meet academic requirements.

Students requiring personal support at this time are encouraged to reach out to the Office of Indigenous Academic and Community Engagement in the First Peoples House or to Counselling Services located in University Centre for assistance.

Information for instructors

Instructors may be approached by students requesting academic concessions or extensions related to the ongoing Wet’suwet’en solidarity actions. In considering these requests, the focus, as always, should be on student success, and instructors are encouraged to bear that in mind while upholding academic standards. The university would also ask that instructors demonstrate understanding and compassion when working with students, for both personal and academic matters.