Virtual Townhall with President Kevin Hall

- University of Victoria

Invitation from President Hall

Dear colleagues,

One of my top priorities for my first months as president is to hear from as many faculty and staff possible. Over the past few weeks, I’ve had the opportunity to start meeting with students, staff and faculty from across our community. We’ve spoken about what drew us to this university, what we hope for the future of this institution, and about how we, together, can rise to the opportunities and challenges ahead of us.

Please join me in a virtual townhall to continue these important and exciting conversations:

Virtual Townhall with President Kevin Hall
Monday, December 7, 2020 | 12–1 p.m. | Zoom Webinar
Open to all UVic faculty and staff

Register online

*Accessibility: We want to make sure that everyone is able to participate in this virtual townhall, please register early and let us know about any accessibility needs.

This will be the first of many opportunities we will have to engage about our priorities for UVic — please watch for more information about future sessions in the coming months.



Kevin Hall, PhD
President and Vice-Chancellor