CARSA consultations result in parkade design choice

The revised parkade design for the proposed Centre for Athletics, Recreation and Special Abilities (CARSA) is five levels, including one level underground, and includes additional parking for bicycles.

Developed with feedback from the public on five different options, the parkade will be located next to CARSA on McKenzie Avenue and its height has been reduced to almost half that of the original proposal presented to the District of Saanich last year.

The new proposal is a combination of the top two preferred design options—the option to bury two levels with 59-per-cent support and the option to reduce by two levels with 41-per-cent support.

The revised design has a total of 332 parking spaces, including eight for people with accessibility issues, and inside space for 64 bicycles.

The design allows convenient, safe and direct access to CARSA and limits the depth of excavation, which lessens technical challenges of deeper sub-surface work. It also fits under Saanich’s bylaw height limit of 10 metres.

At a series of open houses April 28 to May 2, including one on the UVic campus, people viewed the new design, got more information from UVic staff involved with the project, and provided comments on three different exterior cladding options.

The exterior options are: precast concrete with vine cover and cast concrete wall art ($13.4 million); metal panel and glass design ($15.5 million) or aluminum vertical fins ($14.8 million). Illustrations of the options and more information on the revised design can be viewed at

Public feedback will be collected until May 10 and will help UVic finalize the design before re-submitting the CARSA proposal, including the revised parkade, to Saanich.

The proposed CARSA project would provide a new home for UVic’s Department of Athletics and Recreation and for CanAssist—UVic’s internationally renowned entity that develops and delivers technologies, programs and services critical to improving the quality of life for people living with disabilities—and recreational space for students, staff and community members.

In this story

Keywords: CARSA, athletics, campus

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