Celebrating possibilities: 10th UVic Women’s Conference

Register now for the UVic Women’s Conference, Feb. 18. This year’s keynote speaker is Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond, BC’s Representative for Children and Youth. The day will feature workshops such as EmPOWERment? Re-examining Our Relationship to Power, Addressing the Big Squeeze: Strategies for Balancing Work and Caregiving, Water Cooler Wasteland or When Raven Told Bear that Eagle Was Just a Duck (on gossip), taiko drumming and presentation of the UVic Women’s Recognition Awards. The conference is open to UVic students, staff, faculty, alumni and retirees and all genders are welcome. Info/registration: http://web.uvic.ca/womennet/index.html

In this story

Keywords: women, Women's Conference

People: Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond

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