CFI Approves Equipment Grants for Three Young Profs

Three recently recruited UVic faculty members have been granted research start-up funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation. The grants are worth more than $500,000 in total.

The CFI grants will support the purchase of equipment for advanced new research programs involving the physics of magnetic systems, real-time interactive media projects, and a test and measurement system for electric machinery.

Dr. Byoung-Chul Choi (Physics) receives $268,387 to investigate how magnetic properties change when they reach the limits of miniaturization and time scales. The issue has implications for the emerging magnetic memory-storage industry, now worth $150-billion annually. Equipment for the study includes an ultra-fast magnetic microscope and a vacuum system for creating magnetic films only a few atomic layers thick.

Digital multi-media specialist, Dr. Steve Gibson (Visual Arts) has been granted $222,772 over four years to establish a high-speed network for a variety of streaming media projects. Three existing studios will be linked to support new artistic collaborations using interactive networks. The extremely fast system (delivering data at 10-Gbps) will be supported by a central server, studio equipment, and computer workstations.

Dr. Subhasis Nandi (Electrical and Computer Engineering) receives $62,000 to establish a test and measurement facility for high performance electric drives and their fault diagnosis. The new instrumentation will include a digital storage oscilloscope, a spectrum analyzer, and computer hardware and software.

“On behalf of these three talented young researchers, I welcome this support from the CFI,” says Dr. Martin Taylor, Vice-President, Research. “The funding will help them pursue exciting fields of inquiry and develop world-class expertise in their respective areas.”

The CFI is an independent, not-for-profit corporation established by the Government of Canada to support innovation in Canadian universities and research institutions. Funding for these three grants comes from CFI’s new opportunities program for new and talented faculty members.

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Keywords: cfi, approves, equipment, grants, young, profs

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