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Looking out for our heroes

December 23, 2016 - The Ring

Firefighters, search and rescue workers and paramedics put their lives on the line for our safety every day, yet we tend to take their health for granted. “They’re so busy taking care of others, they sometimes don’t pay enough attention to taking care of themselves,” says Lynneth Stuart-Hill, an occupational physiologist in UVic’s School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education. Stuart-Hill’s research looks for ways to improve working conditions for first responders, whom she calls “occupational athletes.”

Read more: Looking out for our heroes
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Day in the Life: Rob Johns

April 7, 2016 - The Ring

Rob Johns has seen first-hand the destruction and chaos that large-scale disasters can cause. In his previous role with the City of Victoria, UVic’s new manager of emergency planning visited Louisiana and Mississippi following Hurricane Katrina, and Christchurch, New Zealand after its major earthquakes. “Seeing such massive damage really drives home the importance of emergency planning,” Johns says. “Especially in Christchurch, with its similarities to Victoria in terms of earthquake risks and impacts, I was forcefully reminded that, while we can’t prevent these disasters from happening, we can and must prepare for them.”

Read more: Day in the Life: Rob Johns
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Fire! Earthquake! Zombies! Are you ready for an emergency?

May 23, 2014 - The Ring

May 4–10 is Emergency Preparedness Week, a great time to check your emergency kit and review what to do in the event of a crisis on campus, or at home. Emergency Preparedness Week is a national event that takes place every year during the first full week of May. EP Week encourages Canadians to become better prepared for a range of emergencies, by taking three simple steps:

Read more: Fire! Earthquake! Zombies! Are you ready for an emergency?

When the shaking stops: New campus evacuation procedures

May 8, 2013 - The Ring

May 5–11 is Emergency Preparedness Week across Canada. Following successful campus-wide “Drop, Cover and Hold On” drills during the Great BC ShakeOut, many students and staff have asked, “What should I do when the shaking has stopped?” Learning from the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, UVic has developed new procedures and a map for campus evacuation in the event of a damaging earthquake. The procedures will be distributed to all UVic faculty and staff during Emergency Preparedness Week.

Read more: When the shaking stops: New campus evacuation procedures