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Ancient diet of the wool dog

October 1, 2020 - The Ring

In a newly published paper in Scientific Reports, Hillis and co-authors St. Claire, Eric Guiry University of Leicester and UVic professors Iain McKechnie and Chris Darimont provide the first specific estimate of ancient dog diets on the BC coast using zooarchaeological data.

Read more: Ancient diet of the wool dog
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Three from UVic awarded 3M National Student Fellowships, recognizing leadership

June 12, 2018 - The Ring

Three of 10 prestigious 3M National Student Fellowships have been awarded to students in UVic's Faculty of Social Sciences. Cara Samuel (psychology), Maxwell Nicholson (economics) and Michael Graeme (anthropology and environmental studies) join seven others to become Canada's 3M fellowship recipients for 2018.

Read more: Three from UVic awarded 3M National Student Fellowships, recognizing leadership
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REACH Awards

April 16, 2018 - The Ring

This May, the second annual REACH Awards will celebrate UVic scientists, scholars and artists for their extraordinary contributions in research and teaching—from a field school in Cuba to a performance atop a glacier in BC's interior.

Read more: REACH Awards
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A passion for bones

April 13, 2018 - The Ring

UVic's "bone lady" retires after more than 30 years of student and community engagement. For more than 30 years, Becky Wigen has built one of the largest and most extensive collections of animal skeletons in the Pacific Northwest.

Read more: A passion for bones
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Sacred places

January 1, 2018 - knowlEDGE

UVic anthropologist Brian Thom has long worked with Coast Salish First Nations and Parks Canada on cooperative management in the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve. Recently, Thom saw an opportunity to more fully integrate Indigenous knowledge and cultural practices into co-management efforts.

Read more: Sacred places