Self-declaration program results

- University of Victoria

Update Oct. 29, 2021

As of Oct. 29, 96% of employees and 94% of students have completed their vaccine declaration and 98.2% of employees and 98.5% of students report full or partial vaccination. Declarations are subject to periodic audits. 


Thank you to everyone who has participated in the university’s self-declaration program.

As of Sept. 27, over 24,600 people (86% of UVic employees and 85% of students) have self-declared. Of that number, 95.3% of students and 97.3% of employees indicate they are fully vaccinated. Another 3.3% of students and 1.2% of employees are partially vaccinated.

“We are pleased to see so many people respond to the call for self-declaration as well as the high number of people who indicated they are fully vaccinated,” says Kane Kilbey, associate vice president, human resources. “Thank you to everyone who is doing their part to help keep our­­­ community safe.”

UVic’s data compares well to the BC average, where 87.5% of all eligible adults in BC have received their first dose while 80.4% have received their second dose.

The University of Victoria requires all students and employees to complete the vaccine declaration. This week, the university will be following up with students, faculty and staff who have not yet completed their declarations. In addition, periodic audits of the self-declaration program will take place. As part of the audit, employees or students may receive a request to upload their proof of vaccination documents.

Those who indicated they were unvaccinated, partially vaccinated, or preferred not to disclose their vaccination status have been directed to book rapid testing appointments on campus.

Vaccination self-declaration results

Fully or partially vaccinated Unvaccinated Prefer not to say
All respondents (24,603) 98.5% 0.6% 0.8%
Faculty & staff (86.2% response rate) 98.5% 0.4% 1.1%
Students (85.2% response rate) 98.6% 0.7% 0.8%

Learn more

For more information about the self-declaration and testing program, visit the Health and Safety section of the Return to campus website.